Page 56 of King of Night

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This witch is powerful.

Maybe I’ll get a break from my boredom tonight after all.

“Let her go,” the same woman commands, and I move silently down the stairs.The door leading to the basement is open, and the scent of human blood wafts through, but is nothing compared to magic.It comes off in waves, smelling like the air right before it rains.It’s as charged as a lightning storm.

I inhale, breathing in the scent of the magic and the blood.Blood itself doesn’t contain any magic.It’s one of the reasons vampires and witches historically don’t get along.

They can walk in the light and the dark.

They’re human yet have the power to kill us.

Or at least they used to.

Over the years, witches’ numbers have dwindled, as have their powers.Vampires aren’t the only ones who want to see all witches burn, and as it turns out, humans have killed many, many more witches than vampires ever have.

With vampires and witches both in hiding, the feud seemed to die down over time, yet no one dared forget the great losses we both suffered in the War of Light and Dark…and how the witches nearly wiped vampires out of existence.

And then when vampires had a resurgence and decided to make the general population know of our existence it put us at the top of a lot of other supernatural’s shit lists.Problem is, they’re not strong enough to take us on.

But the witches are.

“Let her go,” the woman who has to be the witch warns.

“Are you volunteering to take her place?”a man answers, and I recognize his voice to belong to Adam, a vampire who rolled into Chicago a few months ago, thinking he was tough shit because he was seven hundred and fifty years old.

And then he ran into me.

Signaling Eliza to stay behind me, we go through the basement door without making a sound.Adam has a human against a wall, with blood dripping down her neck.She looks terrified and on the verge of passing out.Per the new laws put in place by the Vampire Council, biting unwilling humans is prohibited.Adam could be jailed and having humans being attacked in my bar is bad for business.I like making money.

“Sure,” the witch sneers.I round the corner, moving silently like a shadow in the dark, unable to be seen or heard.The last witch I came across was older, confident in her powers, and fucking terrified of me.

This witch…she’s the last thing I expected.

Her long brown hair hangs in messy waves down her back.Her face is set, staring daggers at Adam.One hand is extended, magically holding a dagger that’s plunged inside Adam’s chest.There’s wildfire inside her emerald green eyes, and my God, she’s beautiful.

She narrows her eyes ever so slightly and magic radiates from her, pulsing through the dagger.Adam cries out and falls to his knees, tremors of pain plaguing his body.

“Go,” the witch says, shifting her gaze from Adam to the bleeding human.She’s still holding her hand out, keeping the magic flowing into the dagger.“Get someone to call 911.”

“That won’t be necessary,” I say and move down another few stairs, blocking the way for the bleeding human.The witch turns, eyes wide, and looks right into my eyes.

I’ve heard humans talk of finding love at first sight.I don’t believe in that shit.You can’t know you love someone just from one fucking look.Hell, I don’t even believe in love.Not anymore.

But when the witch’s eyes meet mine I feel…something.

Her hair curtains her pretty face, casting shadows over her brilliant eyes.She’s tall and fit, wearing tight jeans, black heels, and a low cut, midriff showing black top.

It’s not love, but it’s definitely lust.I run my eyes over her, imagining what she’d look like, what she’d feel like, what she’d taste like naked.I want to find out, and I always get what I want.

No… tonight won’t be boring at all.

She holds my gaze, but her expression wavers ever so slightly and then looks at Eliza behind me.She’s alone in the basement with three vampires, and along with the magic, she smells like vodka.

She’s drunk.

Is that why she followed Adam into the basement?Something tells me she would have if she was sober.She’s not afraid of us, even though she should be.

“What is going on here?”I ask though I already know exactly what’s going on.
