Page 58 of King of Night

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I turn and speed over to the bleeding human and hand her to Eliza.“Take care of her.Discreetly.”

The witch shuffles forward.“What the hell does that mean?”

“It means, take her into the office and patch her up.I have a reputation to obtain and do not want to lose business over a vampire attack at my bar.”

The witch laughs.“You own this hipster place?”

I lean forward, looking deep into her eyes.Her pulse quickens, but it’s not from fear.

“Yes.It’s one of the many establishments I own.”I look from her to Adam.“Do what you want with him.Or leave him for me to deal with.”Without looking back, I go up the stairs behind Eliza, needing to get this pain in the ass human into my office before anyone sees her and reports us.

I follow the Vampire Council’s rules only because it benefits me.Legally registering as a vampire meant finally being able to put my business and properties under my name instead of a human proxy.I own millions of dollars worth of real estate just here in the United States, and even more in Europe.

It was a hassle having to change names on the deeds ever[HW3] seventy-five or so years.The short lifespan of humans is gravely annoying.

Eliza gets the blonde human into the office and closes the door.I move back into the main area of the bar, doing a quick sweep to make sure no one is looking for the blonde woman.I’ll hold them spell bound and change their memories if they are.

The office door is open when I get back to it.“The funny thing is,” the witches voice floats into the hall.“I have a bad habit of doing the exact opposite of what’s good for me.”

I slip into the office.“I’m beginning to sense that.”

The witch whirls around, eyes wide, but still refusing to show fear.She looks me up and down, and her heart speeds up again.She’s attracted to me, I can tell, but I’ve yet to come across anyone who isn’t.Normally, I’d go with it, furthering her lust until she’s begging me to penetrate her with my cock and my fangs.

But this witch…there’s something different about her.It’s alluring in a nonsexual way, which is unlike anything I’ve experienced before.She’s drunk, swaying on those four inch heels, yet she just took down one of the oldest vampires in Chicago as if it were nothing.

I’m more than twice Adam’s age.Stronger.Faster.Much smarter.I’d be a challenge, but I’m starting to think this witch might be the only human I’ve ever come across who could kill me.

It shouldn’t turn me on.

It shouldn’t make me want to push the limit and feel a tendril of magic burning my skin.

But I do.

“Never seen a witch before?”She puts a hand on her hip, cocking an eyebrow.

I move forward, looking down at her.“Oh, I have.Drank from one too.”I lean my head in, breathing in her scent.But you…you don’t smell like the other witches I’ve come across.”

She rolls her eyes in a move even Eliza might be jealous of.“If this is the part where you tell me my blood is special and you can’t resist the scent, save it.I’m not a teen girl from a romance novel.I’ll kill you before you can get your fangs out.”

I almost laugh.Pulling my lips back, I draw my fangs so they flash in the neon lights overhead.The blonde girl, who’s being cleaned up by Eliza, whimpers in fear.“Oh, really?”

“I can still kill you,” the witch says, and sounds sure of herself.

“Are you done?”I ask Eliza.

“Just about.”She snaps the first aid kit closed.“What should we do about her memory?”

“I’ll take care of it,” I say.

“Like hell you will.”Magic sparks around the witch’s fingers.Eliza freezes and then moves back against the wall.She recently passed her three-hundredth year as a vampire.Even newborn vampires possess great speed and strength, but it takes centuries to acquire the powers I have.

I speed to the witch, bringing my head down close to hers.Fuck, she smells so good and is so damn beautiful.I’m drawn to her in the weirdest way, and I hate it as much as I like it.

No one has ever unnerved me, and this woman—this witch—is coming close to doing just that, and all she’s doing is standing here.

“I can’t very well have her go around telling people she was attacked in my bar,” I start.“And she knows you’re a witch.Don’t you witches want to stick to the shadows, cowering from humans?”

She knows I’m right.“I can handle her memory.”
