Page 78 of King of Night

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Once I kiss her, I won’t be able to stop.I’d lay her down and fuck her right here in the woods, under the stars.I wouldn’t be fucking her out of my system, no, I’d be getting myself in deeper.

Because I could fall in love with a woman like Callie.

“I am sorry about your fellow witches,” I say.

“Thanks.I didn’t know any of them, but a witch hunter is never a good thing.”

“No, it is not.”I break away.I could fall in love with her, but would she fall in love with me?“I imagine this news makes you sad.”

“Of course, but it pisses me off more than anything.I’d love to find this motherfucker and burn him at the stake.”

“You have had a long day.Are you sure you don’t want to get something to eat?I hear humans raving about comfort food.”

“I’m never one to turn down comfort food.”

“I don’t know what comfort food actually is,” I admit and Callie laughs.We move away from the tree, and right when I expect her to put physical distance between the tension we’re both feeling, she falls in step with me.

“I suppose it’s different for different people,” she explains.“As to what you find comforting.It’s usually unhealthy and full of carbs.And cheese.Most people like cheese.”

“I have heard that as well.”

“Do you miss eating?”she asks and I shake my head.

“It’s been long enough I don’t remember what food was like.”

“That’s kind of sad.”

“I won’t call it that.”

Her dress catches on a thorn bush.She yanks it free.“Food is probably better now than it was sixteen hundred years ago goo[HW15].”

“I’m sure it is,” I agree and we walk the rest of the way back in silence that’s anything but awkward.It’s comforting to just be around Callie, and I’m starting to think she feels the same about being around me.

“You can choose where we go.Obviously,” I say.

“If we stay in Thorne Hill, we have exactly two choices: Taco Bell or Steak and Shake.A burger and fries sounds good right now.And a milkshake.”She pulls at the strings of her cloak.“Are you, uh, hungry?”

“I already ate,” I say, not going into detail.She nods and looks at me curiously before turning and putting one foot on the porch step.

“You can come in.”She picks up the large, leather bound book and goes inside, leaving the door open for me to follow behind.“I’m going to change,” she says and goes through the kitchen to the stairs.She runs up them, and I can hear her walking around above me.

My phone buzzes in my pocket.It’s Eliza, and I’m sure she’s wondering where I am.

“Finally,” she says when I answer.

“This is the first time you’ve called.”

“I’ve been wondering this whole time if you were dead.”

“You’d feel it if I were,” I remind her.“Just as I’d feel it if you died.”

“Don’t talk like that,” she spits.“Are you with her?”

“The witch?”I ask, speaking in French and not English anymore.I’m going to go out on a limb and assume Callie doesn’t speak French.

“Yes, the witch,” Eliza answers, speaking French now too.She spent time in the French countryside growing up, but wasn’t fluent in the language when I turned her.Having not been allowed to learn how to read or write as a human, I made it a point to learn as many languages I could in my afterlife, and pushed Eliza to do the same.

“I’m taking her out to dinner.”I walk through the kitchen and into the living room.
