Page 8 of King of Night

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“What is it?”

“The spell that banished angels.It would have banished Uriel too.”I look at Lucas, brows furrowing.“If it had been cast just a few minutes earlier…”

“Uriel wouldn’t be a threat,” he finishes for me.

“What happened to Uriel?”Tabatha asks, but I only shake my head, my mind going in circles.I was looking at the situation as an attack, but what if someone meant for it to help us?The spell is brutally painful for myself as well as Juliet, but it doesn’t drive us away.

But who would know a spell like thatandhave the power to cast it?Ruth was the only witch I knew to tap into that sort of dark power, and it didn’t end well for her.

“He’s in the Underworld,” Lucas tells her after a few seconds tick by and it’s clear I’m too lost in my own thoughts to answer.“Osiris took him as…as an experiment to see if he’s able to use him as a rider for Famine.”

Tabatha opens her mouth only to close it.Her eyes flutter as she blinks a few times, trying to wrap her head around everything we just told her.“Why would he do that?”

“That is a good question,” Lucas agrees calmly.Too calmly.Fuck.I really don’t want to tell him the truth, but I know I have to eventually.“Though right now, figuring out who cast the spell is a better question.”

“Yes,” Tabatha agrees, able to sense that there is something I’m not saying—for good reason.“Whether it was to help or hinder you, someone is out there possessing great power.”

“There was a demon,” I suggest.“One able to possess and leave a body at will, which suggests at least moderate intelligence and power.”I let out a breath.“I kinda miss the days when low-level demons were the only thing on my to-kill list.”

“I will not comment on the fact that you have a to-kill list,” Tabatha starts, “since we have bigger fish to fry, so to speak.What would be the demon’s motivation to get rid of the archangels?”

“It makes sense to get rid of them and then attack,” Lucas suggests.“While the spell is active, Callie was unable to fight.”

“But nothing attacked us,” I go on.“I mean, we got out of there right away.And maybe…maybe whoever cast the spell wasn’t expecting to have an extra vampire and witch here.Kristy did a return to sender spell and it was enough to lift the spell.That’s when Binx sensed the demon in the woods.”

“Okay,” Tabatha says with another steadying inhale.“You and Juliet are safe for now, but I think you should come back to the Covenstead tonight.”

“No,” I reply right away.“I’m tired of running.”

“Callie,” both Lucas and Tabatha say at the same time.

“This is my home.And I should probably vacuum a few more times to make sure all the broken glass is cleaned up.I don’t need Scarlet slicing open her paw or something like that.”

“She doesn’t get hurt that easily,” Lucas mutters under his breath, looking down at Juliet who’s finally starting to drift off.

“Fine.Penny comes over,” I add pointedly.I don’t want to start a bickerment with Lucas, but I can feel where this is headed.“Maybe we can get a read on the energy outside?”

“It’s worth a try.”Tabatha nods and gets up.“We’ll need another witch for this.Do you think Kristy is up for it?”

“She’ll do it,” I say, knowing the spell Tabatha has in mind since it requires three witches.“But to say she’s up for it.”I shake my head.“I feel really bad she got mixed up in this.I feel really bad that any of you got mixed up in this.”

“You never asked to be the center of a cosmic mess,” Tabatha assures me with a smile.“And we love you, darling girl.You know we’re always here to help.”

“I know you are, and I’m forever grateful.”I force a smile, heart swelling in my chest and causing me to brim with emotion.I know I’m a fucking catch.A ten out of ten in most areas of life.But am I really worth continually risking their lives over?

“I can call Ruby,” Tabatha tells me.“She’s aware something is happening and is ready and waiting in her car behind the bait shop.”

The bait shop is a cover spot.There aren’t any big lakes in Thorne Hill to make the bait shop make sense.Yet no one questions it, and the large parking lot gives witches and warlocks who don’t live close enough to the door a place to park.The door is hidden in the woods behind my house and while I allow my friends to park in my driveway and walk, the rest of the coven doesn’t come this way.

“That would probably be best,” I say.“Kristy can stay inside and help watch Juliet.”

Tabatha gets up to step out of the room and call Ruby.I let out a breath and flop back against the back of the couch, hands going to my face.

“You are going to tell me,” Lucas says, voice nothing more than a low whisper.“I can’t fix things if you don’t tell me what’s wrong.”

Tears sting the corners of my eyes and I want nothing more than to put this night behind us, go upstairs, slip Juliet into her swing and then fall into bed with Lucas, letting him fuck me into oblivion before I drift off to sleep.

And then I’ll wake up and realize the last twenty-four hours have been a weird dream.
