Page 82 of King of Night

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“It’s one possibility.”The nurse snaps on gloves.

“Does the blood screen look for Rohypnol?”I ask.

“It looks for a wide variety of things.It’s one we’re looking for.”

“Was she raped?”Callie asks, voice tight.

“You were the only contact we were able to get off her,” the nurse starts, “but that doesn’t mean I can disclose all information with you.”

“Hey,” Callie says sharply and the lights flicker.She goes over to the nurse and grabs her wrist.The nurse jerks back but Callie slides her fingers down, finding the pulse point.She did the same thing to that woman at the bar the other night.

“What happened to her?”Callie asks, looking right into the nurse’s eyes.

“She was found in an alley behind Bob’s Bar and Grill.Unconscious but fully clothed.The cops think someone might have intended to harm her but got scared of getting caught and left.The people who found her thought they saw someone running away as the approached.”

Callie lets go and looks at me.“Distract her, please.”

Flashing my fangs, I rush over to the nurse, holding her spellbound while Callie goes to her friend.

“Ostende mihi faciem praeterita,” Callie chants, but I don’t look away to see what she’s doing.I have to hold the nurse spellbound or she’ll start screaming again.“Revelare faciem reus.”

A minute passes before Callie speaks again.“I know what happened.Don’t worry.He won’t get away with it,” she promises her friend.She steps back.“Let’s go,” she tells me.

I push my control deeper into the nurse’s mind.“We were never here.You never saw us.No one came into this room.”I break my hold and the nurse blinks a few times, mind adjusting to the new reality.The lights flicker above us again, and Callie leads the way out of the ER room.

“I have to take care of something,” Callie says when we emerge into the parking lot “If you don’t want to come, that’s fine.You can go.”

She looks pissed as hell and watching her get her revenge is going to be good.“The sun doesn’t rise until five-thirty.I have time.”

* * *

I stand a few feet down in the hall, watching as Callie knocks on the door to an apartment.On the way here, she told me what she saw when she did the spell in the ER room.The asshole who lives in this apartment slipped drugs in Betty’s drink and then left her passed out in the parking lot behind the bar they were at.

Men who take advantage of women enraged me when I was human and it still does now.Few things remained the same about me after I died and woke up as a vampire, but that is one of them.I’d get revenge on the fucker myself if Callie wasn’t so…socapable.

I can hear four people inside the apartment, saying they don’t want to answer the door in case it’s the police.The asshole knows he’s guilty.Callie doesn’t wait; she throws her hand out and telekinetically opens the door.That’s my girl.It was Callie’s idea to go in alone, and normally I would have refused to let anyone walk into a room full of assholes like that by themselves.

But Callie isn’t anyone.

She doesn’t need me to protect her from danger.She can protect herself, and it’s not something I’m used to, but I really fucking like it.

“Mike Miller,” she says, anger palpable.“Sorry to interrupt the sausage fest, boys, but I need to have a word with your boy Mike here.”

“Who the fuck are you?”a man, presumably Mike, spits out.

“I’m here on behalf of Betty Jones, and what you did is not okay.”

“Are you like a lawyer or something?”

“Or something,” Callie says and I smile.

“Listen, lady,” another male says.“You better get the fuck out or I’m calling the cops.”

“Go ahead,” Callie replies and I move into the doorway.“Call the cops.And then Mikey here can confess what he did.”

“That’s it,” one of the guys says.He smells like whiskey and comes at Callie.She doesn’t miss a beat and holds out her hand, flicking her wrist.The guy flies back into the wall.

She’s sassy.Cares about her friends.I can tell she’s a good person who wants to do the right thing
