Page 14 of Sedition

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“If he’s even in the mood to discuss it after whatever they’re putting him through this time.” They really did make a scapegoat of him, and our “antics” at the seminar had resulted in his being called in to the office. I was amazed they didn’t just give him his own room there where they could summon him for easier chastising.

I went over to our snack cabinet and pulled out a bottle of water. It wasn’t cold, but without a refrigerator, we’d have to go to the other end of campus for ice. Twisting the cap, I considered the options in the area. “If we were in the city like Blaze’s brother, we could do so many things.”

“We could go for a run?” he suggested. “Let our wolves out somewhere?”

“Maybe. I’ll add it to the list, but I thought it would be nice to do something where we could talk the whole time and that wouldn’t mess up her makeup and hair.”

He chuckled. “You are a considerate mate. I hadn’t even thought of that.”

“I know dating shifters isn’t always about fussing, but she’s pretty and maybe she’d like to be able to use all those girly things. A friend once said they are like armor for girls, and with a triple date with the three of us, she probably needs all the armor she can get.”

“I’m not sure that’s strictly true,” Cas mused, “but if she does go to a lot of trouble for our date, she might appreciate it not getting all messed up. I don’t get the impression she’s going to just agree we are her mates and take us home to bed, either.”

“She must have spent a lot of time with humans. Blaze says we have to woo her. Is that even a thing with humans anymore?”

“No idea. But our mate deserves the best of everything we can give her. And our options are really limited here, so we have to do what we can to show her how much we value her.”

I studied the list I had started of possible dates. “Assuming we can manage to get off campus at all, most of the traditional dating things are miles away. The nearest theater, for example is…where is a theater?”

“Guessing near the Urban Academy?”

I backed out the movie as an idea. “And there’s not a fancy restaurant anywhere nearby, either.”

“No. That’s true.”

We brainstormed for another half hour or so, but our location was not exactly dating central. When they built this fortress, they were thinking more prison than school, and had deliberately chosen an area that while not too far from civilization, as the crow flies, was difficult to get to and involved a lot of winding roads for anyone without wings.

“Are you sure she’ll want to get all gussied up for the date? We could run somewhere and take clothes in a bag in our mouths.” Cas blew out a breath. “Maybe?”

“What do you think? She’s going on a date with us for the first time. Have you met a female before? We can’t take thechance that she will show up looking even more amazing and have us say ‘okay, let’s strip and here’s a bag for your dress to be all crumpled up in.’”

“And it would take longer than we probably have.”

“The only place I can come up with that we can ‘go somewhere’ to is that diner off the highway. And it’s hardly nice enough. She deserves the best.”

I did a search for other restaurants or venues we could pull off in a few hours but…nothing. “Diner it is, then, but how do we get there?”

Chapter Twelve


I ran into Karelis and June in the hallway outside our rooms. They had their heads together and were whispering about something, but when I lifted a hand to wave, they jerked apart and giggled.

“Good evening, ladies. Want to share the joke? I hope it’s not about me.” I batted my eyelashes. “I’m the sensitive type.”

“Of course not,” Karelis blurted. “We were talking about…about…” She chewed her lip, gaze darting to her friend.

“History class,” June asserted. “There was a funny joke someone was passing around.”

“And?” I arched a brow, knowing when I was being had.

“I suddenly can’t remember the punchline,” June said. “Well, I have homework. You two have fun.” She opened their door and slipped inside, closing it firmly behind her.

“I have homework, too,” Karelis murmured. “I’ll see you later, then?” Her hand was on the doorknob, but I covered it with mine and drew her away.

“Before you go, I wanted to make sure you understood something about our date.”

“Our date…”
