Page 23 of Sedition

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“No need.” Casimir squeezed my other hand. “It was kind of hot. Jealous Karelis is a beast.”

Two beasts, but they didn’t need to know that yet.

I didn’t answer. I hadn’t seen them jealous, but I already knew it would be thigh-quakingly hot.

Once we were out of the tunnel, we bounded through the woods. The night was eerily quiet, and the only noise was an owl above and the occasional noise from the leather boots I was wearing. June needed to know that these were not meant for covert operations.

“We’re going to have to be quiet and quick.” Cas stood in front of me, winking.

A shudder took over me. The smirk on his face told me he knew what he was doing. What a tease.

“I know. This isn’t my first time,” I shot back. “I do this all the time.”

Adan snorted. “She’s got your number, dude. Let’s go. We don’t want her to get into trouble.”

We darted through the shadows and ran through the bursts of light. Beads of sweat trickled down Casimir’s perfect jawline and I wondered if this was worth it. If all of this trouble was worth it for a burger and a mini-makeout session in the back of a borrowed car.

It was for me, but it didn’t escape my attention that it might not be for them.

That I might not be worth all of this for them.

“Whatever is going through that head of yours… I can’t wait until I know. I feel your tension, female. It’s driving my wolf crazy.”

“Huh?” I asked. What did he mean by all of those things? Right now, I was busy not getting caught out and about when I should’ve been tucked into my bed.

“Stop!” Cas heaved out and, in seconds, I was pressed against a wall, behind Cas and Adan. “Stay behind me. What the hell are those lights?”

The lavender lights shone through a haze of fog, and there was no warning about their presence. One second, they were there, and the next, they weren’t. A scream rang out in the night. The sound shook my wolves, alerting Sol but completely igniting Night. She sent me blurry visions like memories, but they were so foggy I couldn’t place them. Resounding bloodcurdlingscreams in my ears and the sinking feeling of hate and despair tugged at my insides, nearly bringing me to my knees.

“I think…let me go check it out.” Cas was gone in an instant, and a tingling skated over my skin as a cold sweat broke out.

“Adan?” I meant to ask, but it came out as more of a whimper.

“Don’t worry,” Adan said. “Cas is a warrior. Remember, he told you the story earlier. Despite his wanting to come here and get an education at the academy, he’s a warrior at heart and always will be. We’ll wait for him.”

He was right. Casimir was a soldier, a shifter warrior. If there was anyone’s watch I wanted to be under with everything happening at the academy, it was his. Well, all of them, actually. My wolves and I knew they would never let anything happen to me. There were things you knew in your gut. I didn’t have to ask.

No harm would come to me around these three.

Adan held on to me while we waited. My breaths were ragged as I pulled in the sharp winter air through my nose, trying and failing to calm myself. “Those lights never mean anything good, do they?” he whispered in my ear, holding me tighter.

“Never,” I answered.

Cas came back, huffing and out of breath. “It’s a student. He’s not dead but…it’s close.”

I tensed up. “Are you sure? He’s alive?” I asked. “Have you called anyone?”

Before they could stop me, I broke away from Adan’s hold and walked toward the still-glowing but dimmer lights. I had to see for myself. Every time I went out, something weird happened, and I couldn’t deny the feeling that all of this was connected to me.

“Karelis!” Cas shouted. All of our staying hushed and moving in shadows went out the window quickly.

“Are you okay?” I kneeled at the person’s side.

“The lights. They…he…someone came out of…” Blood trickled from corner of the student’s mouth.

“It’s okay. Don’t talk. Help is coming.” I looked up at Casimir. “We have to help him.”

Chapter Twenty
