Page 5 of Sedition

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“What are you going to do? Go and beat them up yourself and get kicked out or worse?” I would have done it myself if I thought it would help. “They’re okay for the moment, and they didn’t tell me who did it. I waited with Karelis while June got patched up, and she didn’t say. She thinks they can handle it.”

I’d left shortly thereafter when the nurse came out and said only one visitor could come sit with June. But I’d have preferred to stay and watch over them.

“It’s late now, and just about everyone is going to be in their rooms, and I don’t want to upset the girls more than they already are, but tomorrow, we will find out.” Blaze finished the last bit of his sandwich and crumpled the bag. “Anything else interesting going on? Or horrifying?”

“Actually, yes,” Adan spoke up. “I went for a run with Karelis the other night.”

“You what?” Blaze yelped. “And…tell us everything that happened.”

I settled on the sofa, ready to hear more about the fascinating person who had managed to captivate all three of us. And I wasn’t even sure she knew that. “Come on, Adan. You’ve got our full attention.”

“She is extraordinary. Coal black streaked with silver strands. Unlike anything I’ve ever seen before, and her eyes…asif they were made of quicksilver. The same as her fur but not, if that makes any sense, and I’m guessing it couldn’t.”

Blaze sighed. “It does. But I want to see it for myself. So you had a run together.”

“And it was so much more than just an ordinary run in the forest. She’s graceful and elegant and fast. But it was as if she didn’t feel comfortable, had me turn around when she shifted. Not that I planned to ogle her or anything. But it all seems to be a part of her mystery.”

“Mystery?” I chewed my lip a moment. “Did you have a chance to talk together?”

“I tried, but when I asked about her, she turned it on me and I never found out a thing about her. I think it’s important that we protect her, but how can we if we don’t even know what might be a threat to her?”

“Does she understand how the three of us feel?” I asked. “Did you get a sense of that?”

“I got a sense of someone who was super fun to run with and is gorgeous and smart and far more clever than I am. She did not want to tell me about her past. Why?”

“She doesn’t trust us?” Blaze said it softly, but it made us all stop.

After a long moment, Adan nodded. “Not completely, but maybe if we do come right out and tell her of our feelings. Honestly and openly.”

“Does she even want to hear it?” Blaze flopped back in his seat. “Isn’t this supposed to be easier? Everyone says when you meet your mate, it’s just bam and that’s it. Could they be wrong?”

“It isn’t wrong for me. I want to bring her right in and begin our life together, but we don’t know a thing about her past. Maybe she comes from a pack where they do things differently? I’ve heard of some who don’t believe in fateds.”

“And maybe we need to keep a closer eye on both our girl and her friend,” I said.

Chapter Five


Turned out, I didn’t get in trouble for bringing June to the nurse. In fact, they gave me a pass that excused me from the next class. The nurse said she was glad I was there to help her and that deserved a break from classes. I walked with June to the forest where she shifted and emerged good as new. She didn’t even question why I didn’t shift with her.

The next morning, she had to face the others again, but this time, I wasn’t giving them any opportunity to gang up on my friend. Whenever I could, I made sure she was fine in between classes, and she was doing her best to stay away.

People sucked ass.

“I think Casimir was following me today,” she said as we changed from our school uniforms and into more casual clothes to go to dinner.

“Huh?” I asked. My wolves rose up inside me, not liking Cas’s attention on any other female. I quickly quelled them with the knowledge that June was my friend. She wasn’t taking anyone from me. Especially anyone who didn’t belong to me.

“Calm down. I think he was looking out for me like you were. No mating vibes. Just friendly.”

I snorted. “Didn’t realize I was calmed up.”

“You let out a little growl.”

“Sorry. Didn’t mean to. It’s kind of cute that he was looking out for you.”

She grabbed her shoes and put them on. “I honestly thought maybe you asked him to.”
