Page 12 of Taken By the Titan

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“What kind of work?” I shuddered to think about what he meant.

“In my house.”

“Like a servant?”


It wasn’t about getting away scot-free, but of selecting the lesser evil. “A servant…” I whispered to myself. I considered myself a decent cook, and I cleaned the house every day since my father took sick. I then thought of my father and how herelied on me to be there for him. “My dad…would I be able to go home…?”

“Once your debt is paid.”

“He’s sick; he relies on me to take care of him.”

I paused; what made me think he would give a damn? I was learning fast how foolish it was to expect anyone to care about me in this city. It was all about getting what you wanted and leaving everyone else behind. Even these people who claimed to be Jaxon’s friends left him twisting in the wind, or perhaps they were never his friends, maybe they were lying to lure me here.

My father would die without medical treatment. “If I’m going to be working off a debt anyway, then can I add medical treatment for my father to Jaxon’s debt?”

“Oh?” I imagined his brow lifting. “Medical treatments are costly…”

“I know…”

“A money-grubber with a heart. How sweet.” He scoffed sarcastically. “Come to me.”



He sat there staring at me, waiting for me to comply with his demand. I’m not as naïve as I let on; I know what he is expecting; it’s written in what he isn’t saying. Those monsters in human form had the girl bent and pressed against the glass. They pawed and kneaded her breasts and filled her from behind while another made use of her mouth. I imagined myself in her shoes. The pain and humiliation she must have been feeling was something I never wanted to experience. This is only one man…or titan, and we were alone as far as I knew. But I also couldn’t deny what I was feeling as he reached out his hand for me. My heart fluttered, and I was full of so much anticipation my cock pulsed with life. I felt compelled to comply, but not out of fear but desire.

The floor felt like I was walking on a block of ice as I took each slow step toward him. My eyes adjusted to the dark, and I could make out the bits of an extra cushion and shine from the leather. I kept my hands over my cock in some strange sense of preserving my modesty.

One large hand covered my ass and gently pulled me in, guiding me between his large long legs. I could now see him clearly, and my heart fluttered, and cock sprang to life. I didn’t expect him to be so freaking sexy.

His features were sharp and Nordic and robust. His white hair swooped back, exposing his large pointed ears. His skin as white as porcelain. His silver eyes appraised me. A real living titan in front of me!

He muttered something in a strange language and laughed; his breath was as cold as his skin, reminding me of an icy winter in the mountains surrounded by pine trees.

He leaned close. A rough tongue flicked the bud of my nipple, forcing a soft gasp from my lips. No one had ever done this to me before, I was a virgin, and the most I’d ever done was a make-out session, and it only happened once. That kiss from Jaxon was my second kiss.

Now I was in a dark room in the middle of a black-market auction house with a titan. And he was doing more than kissing me; he was sucking at my nipples and leaving a reddish bruise once he had finished.

I stood lock still, eyes wide with fear, afraid to even speak. I became a doll, his personal play toy, and I hated myself for it. But oh Gods, did it feel so good.

He pulled me onto his lap, positioning me to straddle him, my hard dick exposed and leaking from lack of attention. I couldn’t believe I was getting turned on. I stared at the lump in his elaborate robe. The urge to remove it, to see his cock blast out through the fabric and standing like a tower was driving me wild.

His large hand gripped my smaller cock, causing me to shudder from both the pleasure and shock of the cold of his body.

I wanted this robe off of him, oh gods. Was he hot.

Shame washed over me for feeling this way, for wanting him to touch me more, and for feeling the overwhelming desire to pump my hips into his hand. I moaned as he ran his finger along the crack of my ass. I covered my mouth with my hand, fearful that the men in the adjacent room who continued to make use of the woman inside would hear me.

He gripped me fast and sudden, his hands now planted on my hips, he pulled me onto him, pressing his hard crotch against me.

“Don’t worry, little one. I won’t insert my finger into your dry ass.” He cooed; his chest rumbled against me with each syllable spoken. He gripped my ass, forcing my hips to move against the lump in his pants. I held onto his shoulders to steady myself. My hips moved on their own, no longer needing him to force them to work.

I wrapped my arms around him, feeling his long braid; I closed my eyes, not wanting to look at him. I hated myself right now for giving in so quickly, but I couldn’t help myself. I couldn’t describe it as anything else but a pull that was too painful to deny: his scent, his cool body, the pine scent of his white hair. I couldn’t describe it, but I needed more, I needed him.

His hips rocked with mine until our bodies synced to a lovely rhythm. The frenzy took over, and I trembled in his arms as a wave of lightheaded pleasure rippled throughout my body.
