Page 101 of Endless

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“Thank you.”

He tightened his hold on me and purred all the way back to the suite.




My eyelids felt heavy. But I was warm. Comforting darkness surrounding me, along with the sharp scent of citrus softened with cream.

I was awake while he got us into the shower and cleaned off all the sand and everything else. But awake and coherent were two different things. I’d used every ounce of energy, and I was happy to let him take care of me.

Vaughn’s purr rumbled against my back. I had my head tucked under a blanket, unsure which one of us had put it there. But I liked the way he kept me close. I loved waking up tangled, like whoever it was wanted me close, even when neither of us were conscious.

It had started off that way with Beau, but it faded pretty quickly. I brushed it off as nothing more than being tired and busy.

Taking a deeper breath, I turned in Vaughn’s arms, pressing my face to his bare chest and that relaxing vibration. “What day is it?”

He laughed quietly. “It’s the morning after.”

“Thought I’d sleep longer,” I mumbled.

“You can still sleep if you want to. In fact, I think Joel wants to spend the day pampering you. Naps can definitely be part of that.”

“Not you?”

Slowly, Vaughn pulled the blanket away from my head. I blinked against the sudden brightness. “I’ll do whatever you want or need, sweetheart. But you haven’t spent time with Joel yet, and you already know comfort is what he craves. That being said, if you want me, I’m yours.”

“Right. You’re opposites.”

He smiled and brushed a kiss to my temple. “Kind of.”

The lightness faded from his face, and he ran a hand through my hair. “How do you feel?”

“I feel good.”

“You sure?”

I wiggled, tensing and stretching. There might be some scrapes on my knees, and some sensitivity from the sand, but nothing hurt. Not really. My instincts were still close to the surface, my Omega enjoying the warmth and closeness. I felt more like an Omega than I had in a long time. “Feels like I worked out really hard. I’m fine.”

“Good.” His hand kept stroking through my hair. “That was a lot, and I want to make sure you’re fine with everything that happened. I know I asked you at the end, but it’s different on the other side of sleep.”

Closing my eyes, I snuggled closer. “It was intense, that’s for sure. But I liked it. I didn’t know I could even do something like that.” My eyes flew open. “Areyouokay? I tossed you onto the rocks in the cave.”

“I’m fine, sweetheart.” His purr grew stronger, and he laughed. “You took me by surprise there. Had my Alpha all riled up.”

“I didn’t even think about the fact that people could see us. Hear us.”

“Everyone else was spaced out, making sure we weren’t disturbed or interrupted. I wouldn’t put you in that position, I promise.”

“They helped?”

I felt him nod.

“That was nice of them.”

Vaughn held me a little tighter. There was a hitch in his chest, like he might say something else, but he didn’t.
