Page 109 of Endless

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Stepping past her, I went to weave through the crowd until I heard her. “Sure. I really believe you.” Something else was too low to hear, but it wasn’t anything kind.

Too bad for Angela I’d had enough to drink that I didn’t give a shit. I turned back to her. “What the hell is your problem? I haven’t done anything to you except what you’ve made up in your head.”


“Yeah, whatever.” I stomped across the club and back to our table, waving to Ellie when I saw her looking concerned.

A couple minutes later, I looked up to find Angela charging towards me. “You know what? Not whatever. I think what you’re doing is gross and over the top, and you should be fucking ashamed of yourself.”

“What are you talking about?”

“I mean thepackyou brought to make Beau jealous.”

My eyebrows flew into my hairline. “Excuse me?”

“It’s obvious. You lost Beau, so you bring the kind of guys he can’t stand to piss him off and make him jealous so you can steal him back.”

I stood up. “Okay. How many times do I have to tell you I have no interest? I don’t know what he told you, but he’s the one who broke it off. So, I have no idea what you’re talking about. This is a pointless conversation.”

“Damn fucking right he broke it off. He should have done it so much sooner.”

I rubbed my forehead, my brain fuzzy and not comprehending how we’d even gotten here. “What?”

“He told me everything. How you never gave him any space. How you were so fucking clingy, he had to sneak out in order to see his friends. How you were so possessive and jealous he thought he wouldn’t ever get away from you, so he had to change the locks while you weren’t home.”

I blinked. “That’s what he told you?”

“It’s the truth. I was the one who had to throw away all your shit because he couldn’t trust you to come get it. So I see what you’re doing. You saw a chance to make him jealous, and you’re taking it.”

Suddenly I was tired. So fucking tired, and I wanted to be anywhere but here. “That’s not what happened, Angela. I didn’t bring them to make Beau jealous.”

“As if you could.”

“Are we done now?”

She tossed back what was left of her drink. “Not until you’re not in the wedding. Because like hell am I going to let Beau walk down the aisle with you. He doesn’t deserve that.”

I pulled out my phone, ready to call the guys to come get me, and she smacked it out of my hand. “What the fuck?!”

“Do you have any idea what you threw away, Isolde? You threw away the best man and the kindest person on the planet to slum it with men who can barely afford a proper suit. The shit they wore to your parents’ party was insulting, not to mention pawing at you in front of everyone like they were dogs in heat.” She lifted her hands into quotes. “‘Baby girl.’ Are you serious right now? Figures the only people you could manage to hold on to are addicts. Do you help them get their next fix? Is that why they stay?”

Something inside my brain snapped, and my whole body went still. “What did you just say?”

Angela puffed up her shoulders. “You heard me. You’re such a toxic bitch that the only guys you can attract are ones on drugs. You think I didn’t see you at the bonfire? Smoking god knows what? What dumpster did you scrape them out of? I want to know so I can make sure they know where to go home to once they’re free ofyou.”

I tossed what was left of my drink straight in her face. She sputtered, teetering backward on her heels. I felt like I’d turned to ice. Totally calm and smooth, with anger burning straight to the core of me.

“Insult them again. I dare you.”

Angela smiled, the move full of poison. “Trash you dragged in to make up for your personality, Isolde. You notice that no one in the bridal party talks to you? They don’t want you here. No one fucking wants you here except the shit clinging to your shoes you call a pack.”

The scream coming out of me was lost in the music. I lunged at Angela, taking her down to the floor. Dead. She was fucking dead. Howdareshe talk about them like she knew them?

It didn’t even matter, because she had this coming.

I hit her, and she laughed. “See? Can’t even take the truth.”

“It’s not the truth,” I shrieked, right as an arm came around my waist and hauled me away from her. “Let me go. Let mego.”
