Page 133 of Endless

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Warren reached out and shook Hawk’s hand. “No matter who it was you punched, I like Isolde. I don’t know her that well, but I’m glad she has someone to stand up for her, regardless.”

The tension in Hawk’s shoulders eased. “Thanks. We’re not going anywhere.”

I texted Joel that we were finished talking to Warren while we said goodbye and went back to the foyer. I sat on the set of stairs to the second floor. “That went better than I expected, but also worse.”

“As much as I hate to say, I understand it.” Hawk paced slowly back and forth, arms crossed. “Isolde didn’t know how badly she was being treated, and if she thought it was fine, everyone else probably did too. If you’ve known someone your whole life, it can take a lot to overcome that vision of them.”

“Let’s hope tonight is enough, then.” Because I liked Warren. And Ellie. But I wouldn’t be getting buddy buddy with someone who tolerated a man like Beau or his behavior. I wouldn’t be able to keep my disdain in check. If Beau had pulled half the shit he had at any of the clubs or classes I went to, he would have been banned a long time ago. It didn’t take much to respect someone.

The front door opened and Isolde’s stepfather Henry came in, spotting us immediately. He smiled. “Didn’t know when I would see any of you again. Is my daughter here?”

“She’s speaking with your wife,” I told him.

Henry stepped forward and shook Hawk’s hand. “Remind me to buy you a drink at the wedding. You know why.”

“I will, sir.”

He chuckled. “I know I said I enjoyed it when you first got here, but don’t call me sir. Don’t get me wrong, I appreciate the respect. However, I get enough of that at work and it’s exhausting.”

I stood to shake his hand.

“Are all of you back?”

“No. Just the two of us and Isolde. We’ll be staying at our home.” Then I smiled. “We’re actually neighbors.”

“Yeah,” Isolde’s voice echoed through the foyer. “They live up on the cliff and didn’t tell me.” Her voice was sour, but she was smiling. Even dressed in Rowan’s giant t-shirt and my sweats, she was fucking beautiful. More than that, there was light in her eyes that hadn’t been there when we met her.

I was so busy staring at her, I missed what they were saying. Isolde hugged her stepfather, and they had a quiet conversation.

“We’ll see you on Friday?” He finally asked.

“Yes, you will.”

Henry looked over at the two of us with serious eyes. “Take care of her.”

“We will,” Hawk answered immediately.

Kissing Isolde on the head, Henry went in the direction she’d come from, loosening his tie as he went. She looked at the two of us, and Hawk held out a hand. “Ready, baby girl?”

“Yeah. Let’s go home.”

Fuck, I loved hearing those words come out of her mouth. Sweeping her off her feet and outside, I took my Omega home.




“Excuse me,WHAT?” Trinity screamed through our video call, making both Ocean I wince before laughing.

“Yeah. So, I owe you dinner and coffee and flowers for the rest of my fucking life,” I said.

When I finally bothered to look at my phone, my friends were nearly feral. Ellie had told them I was in heat, but they wanted the details. Me calling and blurting out that they were my scent match hadn’t been on their bingo card.

“So what does this mean?” Ocean asked. “Are you staying here? With them?”

I nodded, hiding my face in the collar of my hoodie. As much as I liked wearing the guys’ clothes, it was nice to have myown again. “Yeah, I am. I honestly have no idea what’s going to happen after the wedding. I’m kind of playing it by ear. Don’t know where I’m going to work, don’t know how long it’ll take to get the rest of my stuff from the apartment, but I don’t really care. We’ll figure it out.”
