Page 136 of Endless

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He kissed my neck. “Never underestimate how tempting you are, baby girl.”

“I probably will. A lot.”

“Then I’ll be happy to remind you.”

Unlocking my phone, I scrolled through Ellie’s texts.


I just got back from my fitting and mom says you have shit to tell me.

Okay Warren says we’re coming over there tonight to talk, but I want to knoooooow.



I’m going to tell your pack embarrassing stories about you if you don’t text me back.

For the love of god you’re fucking again aren’t you.

Fine. Not like I can be mad at you about that.

I laughed, and so did Hawk, reading over my shoulder.


For your information, I was taking a nap, not fucking. Taking a nap BECAUSE of all the fucking.

Yeah, I do have stuff to tell you, but I’m waiting till you come over cause I need to see your face.


We’re coming right now.

Rolling off the couch, I stumbled to my feet. “Do we need to get anything ready before they get here?”


I didn’t care about what I was wearing, but I wanted to use the bathroom and splash some water on my face before thisconversation. And I was glad Hawk couldn’t see me stumble into the coat closet before I found the door to the bathroom.

Voices sounded while I was still inside, and when I came out, I was nearly tackled. “Youlucky.Bitch.”

I turned and hugged Ellie. “I know. This house is incredible.”

“No kidding. I think living up here is the only way I’d live so close to Mom and Dad.”

“I’m sure they’ll find a way to come up here,” I said. But my parents, while they loved spending time with us, weren’t overbearing. They had their own lives. It would be good to be close and still have distance.

Warren and the guys were already talking deeper inside, towards the living room, so Ellie pulled me toward the front door. “I’m literally foaming at the mouth. Tell me.”

I pointed. “You are not.”

She smacked my hand away. “Iz,I’ve been dying. Mom was practically dancing around her office, so what is it?”

“We’re scent matched,” I whispered.

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