Page 140 of Endless

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“I never said that.” He smirked. “You’re skipping ahead.”

Taking the time to sort through my thoughts, I finally felt them. “I think I want to be. Though I can definitely see the appeal of having clothes sometimes.” My mind filled with images of me wrapped in a blanket and tied up so I couldn’t move. It would be cozy as shit.

“This is your first time with rope, right?”


Cade ran his hands over my arms. “I don’t want to do too much the first time. We want to make sure you like it.”

“I’m going to.”

I liked his smile. “I think you will too. But everyone has reactions, and sometimes you’ll find something you didn’t expect. So today, I want to restrain your arms and your legs.”

“In the air?”

“No,” he shook his head. “Not your first time.”

That made sense. Suspending someone probably had more risks, and if he wanted to start slowly, the floor was the better choice.

“After I tie you up, I want to play with you.”

“What does that mean?”

Turning away, Cade stripped his shirt over his head. “I really want to say ‘whatever I want it to mean.’”

My heart kicked up faster. “But?”

“But again, not the first time.” Slowly, he tugged on my shirt and pulled it over my head. “I want to touch you. With my mouth. With my fingers. I might want to use your mouth for my own dirty purposes. I’m not going to deny you today, but if you have to come, I still want you to ask permission.”


“Because I want you to form the habit for when we play. And I want you to have a reminder of who owns you when we’re inside this room.”

The wink he threw my way had heat pooling between my legs. “And the fucking?”

Cade dropped his mouth to my shoulder, kissing across my skin as he took off my bra. “Today, this time, this is about you.” He smiled. “Mostly about you. Believe me, I have plans to tie you open and fuck you until you don’t know your own name. But we have plenty of time.”

We were both naked from the waist up now. The rich scent of him was all around me, infused into this room from so much time here, and rolling off him. “Are you sure?”

“I am.”

I shivered. The easy dominance rolling off him turned me on as much as it made me feel safe. “Then tell me what to do. Sir.”

His eyes lit up, and he kissed me again, unable to help himself. “Good girl. Take the rest off and kneel.”

He retreated to the wall covered in rope, and I obeyed, tossing my clothes to the edge of the room and kneeling. There were mats on the floor. Not quite soft, but not like kneeling on hardwood either.

“I asked you for your favorite color the other day because I wanted to make sure I had some ready for you.” The bundles of rope he brought back were a rich, deep green. Not the silky kind of rope you often saw with pictures of people tied up. When Cade held it out for me to touch it felt like regular rope, but it was beautiful. “It’s going to look stunning on you.”

“Thank you.”

Setting the rest of the rope on the floor along with some safety shears, Cade knelt behind me. “You don’t have to be nervous. I’ve got you. And if you need to stop, we stop.”

His hands lifted my hair off my neck, and he put it up, tying it out of the way. “Are you using rope for that too?”

“I can.” He chuckled. “This time it’s just a hair tie.”

Cade touched me, stroking over my skin with slow intention. One wrist was pulled behind my back, and then the other. He arranged my arms against each other. “Keep these here.”
