Page 147 of Endless

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The only one left was Rowan. He had me on my back in a second, body covering mine, giving me his warmth and his strength. “You’re mine,” he murmured against my lips. “Body and soul.”

“And you’re mine.”

Rowan’s bite was the twin to Hawk’s on the other side of my neck. Thepowersinking through me into our connection stole what little I had left. There was no question of surrendering to him because he hadn’t lied. He would never let me fall. It simply wasn’t an option.


“Hold on, little flower. We’re about to show you everything.”

Knocking my legs apart, he sank into me in one stroke. His pleasure echoed in me and mine echoed back, and ohfuckthis would change everything. I was already climbing to the impossible peak of pleasure, and it would only get easier. Not just because they wanted to practice with me and shower me with orgasms like rain, but they couldfeelwhat I felt and what got me closer.

My first orgasm blew through me like a golden wave, and it wasn’t the last. They didn’t knot me, not able to wait for them to go down fast enough to suit them.

It didn’t matter. Our pack was a tangle of pleasure. I tasted every one of them, got filled up over and over, was taken to the edge and over more times than I remembered ever being able to while not in heat.

We disappeared into each other, and by the time we were nearly finished, spent, panting, and satisfied, the sun had set, and I was floating for another reason too. Rowan’s chocolate had me floating delightfully, and nothing in the world could be bad right now.

I was knotted on Joel’s cock, sprawled on his chest, and Hawk was behind me, not quite finished. Joel turned to the side to help him as he fucked me, hand finding my clit, working it the way he could now feel drove me crazy. “One more, baby girl. Give me one more.”

Exhaustion ran heavy in my veins. I whined before I spoke. “I don’t know if I can.”

“You can.” He breathed the words into my neck. “Come on our cocks like the good girl you are.”

Hawk licked over his mark on my neck, sending a new wave of heat rolling through me and carrying me with it. I writhed between them, my voice locked away behind the force of everything.

Groaning into my neck, Hawk came with me, knotting my ass. I moaned, the feeling of two knots still too much and just enough. Someone’s hand stroked my ankle, reminding me we were all here. Tangled together. I felt all of them in me now, and nothing had ever been moreright.

The fire still burned, and I drew patterns on Joel’s skin with my fingers. My mind was high and drifty. “Can we have a fire on the beach?” I asked. “I’ve always wanted to.”

“We absolutely can.”

I wasn’t even sure who said it, and I didn’t care.

Tomorrow was going to be a hell of a day. I giggled, thinking about the chaos this would cause. Everyone who mattered wouldn’t care, and those who might weren’t worth my time.

They felt the direction of my thoughts. Hawk rolled over from behind me and kissed my spine. The smile in his voice was obvious. “So who’s going to tell Beau?”

“Oh, I’m going to tell him,” I said, smiling at my plan. “And I won’t have to say a fucking word.”




“Iknow we live close, but we do need to go if we don’t want to be late,” I called back into the house.

Bonding right before Ellie’s rehearsal dinner probably wasn’t the best plan, if only because the six of us were so insatiable stopping to breathe was hard.

Other than the moments Isolde called her friends to tell them what happened—and the inevitable happy screaming that followed—one of us had been touching her. It was a need I couldn’t describe, the feeling of wanting her close and safe. When she was in the center of the five of us it felt perfect. Like she was our sun, and we orbited around her.

The forecast for tomorrow and the wedding was perfect. Crystal clear and sunny—the ideal Clarity Coast summer day. But today? Clouds rolled in from over the ocean, painting the day in muted grays. Rain would fall before the day was over. Maybe even a thunderstorm. But quick storms were the norm here in the summer, and I was intrigued by the idea of my Omega in the rain.


It didn’t seem real, but there she was. Her bright spark in the middle of my chest, surrounded by the echoes of the rest of our pack. It was strange being able to feel them for the first time as well, but I liked it. I already knew this would help our communication going forward.

Isolde was so sweet, like a hit of sugar I could keep with me at all times. Right now she was overwhelmingly happy, and we were all going to make sure she stayed that way. She more than deserved it.
