Page 150 of Endless

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Isolde looked over her shoulder and smiled, but even from here I could see her brow furrow. She didn’t understand why we felt like this right now.

“Later,” Hawk ground out.

We moved around the side to where we could sit out of the way. Sit and watch and plan the ways we could smother our Omega in love. And maybe a few ways to bury a body.




Ellie screamed. She knocked into me so quickly I almost lost my balance in the heels. Frankly, I had no business wearing heels this high, but I wanted the complete look while delivering the best news of my life to my family and the worst news of his life to my ex.

“Holy shit.” My sister still jumped up and down. “You actually did it.”

“It was because of you,” I said. “I don’t think I would have done it right away if you hadn’t said you would be fine with it right now. And I have zero regrets.”

“What’s wrong?” Warren asked. He looked panicked, gaze bouncing between the two of us.

I laughed. “Sorry, Warren. I surprised her. Everything’s okay.”

Warren’s eyes dropped to my bites, and his eyes widened. Then he smiled. “Congratulations.”

“Thank you.”

The rest of the bridal party was closing in to see what the fuss was about, and suddenly I was surrounded by people congratulating me and asking questions. Through the crowd, my parents filtered through. By the time they reached me, they knew, having gathered from listening, and Mom swept me into a hug.

“I’m so happy for you,” she whispered. “I’m so happy.”

“You’re not mad we didn’t do it like this?”

She laughed. “If you want a party, we’ll plan a party. But I’m just happy you’re happy.”

“Don’t suffocate her, Adelaide. Let me have a turn.”

I smiled at my stepfather. “I assume Mom told you everything?”

“She did.” He took me by the shoulders and looked at the bites before meeting my eyes. “And you’re happy?”

“I don’t think I’ve ever been happier,” I admitted.

“Good. I’ll be digging into them more anyway, but good.”

More? He’d looked into them at all? Clearly he hadn’t come up with anything if they were still here. We all laughed. “You don’t have to. They’ll tell you anything you want to know.”

He nodded. “I’ll be asking.”

I met Ellie’s eyes, and we rolled them together. Our father didn’t have his ruthless reputation as a lawyer for nothing.

“Okay, everyone,” the wedding planner called. “Let’s get lined up and have everyone in place so we can start going over everything.”

Mom grabbed my hand and squeezed, and I squeezed back before they went back to their places for the rehearsal. Onebenefit of announcing the bonding like this was just being able to enjoy it. Because of everything else, we didn’t have time for a lot of questions. Those would come later, I was sure.

“Are you going to be okay during this?” Ellie asked, looking over.

Because I was about to line up next to Beau. “I am. I wore this dress on purpose.”

“Fuck yes. That’s my girl. And Beau has been a little shit, by the way. He’s avoiding the conversation with Warren at any cost, and neither of us are happy about it.”
