Page 153 of Endless

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“I’m sure they’ll be perfect. And Ocean always hides hidden meanings in all her designs. Flower language.”

Ellie laughed. “She told me. I asked her to put the meanings on little cards for everyone so they would know.” Then she glanced over at Beau. “Well, maybe not for everyone.”

Smothering my laugh, I leaned into Rowan next to me and put my head on his shoulder. His hand found my bare leg, squeezing gently. The bond between us was filled with that steady, all-encompassing calm and control I loved about him. And when Beau stared straight at us like he could set us on fire with his gaze, Rowan turned and kissed me without any other thoughts. A pure, luxurious kiss without any worry or care who watched. It calmed the need I hadn’t even sensed, and I felt his amusement at my wonder.

Ellie stood. “I have to pee. Iz, time for your maid of honor duties to help hold my dress.”

“Isn’t that when you’re in an actual wedding dress?”

“Come on.” She wiggled her fingers at me, waiting until I grabbed her hand to pull me up and out of the chair and into the house.

The big guest bathroom had actual stalls, and she went in alone. “If you don’t want me to hold your dress, why did you bring me?”

“I didn’t want to come alone, and I wanted to check on you. Because your pack keeps glaring daggers at Beau like they want to kill him.”

“Apparently he was cheating on me,” I said. “He threw it in their faces to hurt them, and me. Too bad for him. It means nothing to me now.”

Ellie flushed and opened the door, looking me up and down. “Holy shit.”

“I probably should have known. It tracks with everything else. I just… I never felt like he was being secretive, and he was never gone long enough for me to think he was cheating.”

“I’m sorry.” Ellie washed her hands, looking at the mirror.

I shrugged, crossing my arms. “Like I said, it is what it is. Nothing I can do about it now, and it doesn’t matter. It makes me question how the hell I missed it.”

“He clearly didn’t want you to see.”

“Yeah. And Warren?”

She sighed. “Honestly, he’s ready for the wedding to be over so he doesn’t have to deal with Beau anymore. He told his parents about everything—what he could share without violating your privacy—and they begged him not to change anything for the wedding and keep the peace. Which is what he’s doing, but Beau’s not going to be in the pictures, and I’m pretty sure he’s getting thrown straight out of Warren’s life the second we say ‘I do.’”

“I know you guys think he?—”

I cut her off. “Like I told him the other day. If I didn’t see him for who he was when I was living with him and fucking him, I can’t blame anyone else for not knowing. Especially with Warren literally living out of the country for most of it. Now let’s get back out there. I spotted some of the dessert and I want that way more than I want to talk about my shitty ex.”

“Good point.”

We ran into Mom on the way out. “You girls having fun?”

“You know it,” I said.

Ellie looped her arm through mine on the way back to the table, which was full of laughter and conversation. It was the first time I’d really been away from them and out of sight since we bonded last night, and seeing them again? The way our connection surged and everything felt complete was perfect.

Spattering drops of rain began to fall. We needed to wrap dinner up soon or everyone would be soaked. The sooner the better, because the storm needed time to clear out before tomorrow.

Cade looked over and smiled. I smiled right back, loving the feeling of him reaching out, like fingers stroking down the bond between us.

“I love your smile around them,” Ellie whispered.

“Me too.”

I sat down, and as soon as I did, Beau surged to his feet. “It’s time for a toast. We’re doing toasts, right? The best man always gets to do one.”

Warren chuckled and eyed the rest of the table. “Usually at the actual reception.”

“Well, I have something I want to say right now.” Beau picked up his fork and clinked it against his glass of champagne. Everyone quieted and all eyes turned toward him. “Of course, I want to congratulate the bride and groom for having us all here. But more than that, I want to congratulate Isolde Allen on her bonding. To a pack of male escorts, no less. I think we should all be very proud. Everyone give Isolde a round of applause.”

My whole body went cold, and the silence that reigned was deafening. Nothing but the growing wind and the sound of the sea. I glanced over at Ellie and Warren, shock written on their faces. At the other end of the table, my parents watched us too. But with far less surprise than everyone else. The one thing I didn’t see was horror or judgment.
