Page 173 of Endless

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We passed the phone around. As soon as he saw it, Joel laughed. “At Ellie’s wedding we asked your dad if we could help make sure Beau stayed gone. He said he had it handled. Looks like he did.”

I read the story when the phone came back. Beau had been up to a lot more shady shit than just being an ass and ruining relationships. Most of it was financial, which made sense. If he could take the easy way to do something he would.

“Good riddance.”

“Cheers to that,” Cade called from the kitchen, lifting a beer in his hand.

I looked at Hawk. “Before you banish your phone entirely for the night, can I see them?”


Hawk wasn’t the only one crowding around me to see his phone screen. And the pictures…

Holy fuck.

The lighting in the studio had still been set from our pictures with Janet, so it was dramatic and gorgeous where it could have been unflattering.

The pictures were obscene in the best way. I was stuffed with all of them, clearly so blissed out I didn’t know my own name. And in the foreground, dimly lit, Hawk’s hard cock slick with my arousal and his precum.

Even the picture of me looking up at him, mouth open, eyes dazed, was great. And these weren’t even the ones Janet took. “Wow.”

“Not bad, if I do say so myself.”

“I love them,” I said. “But we arenotprinting those.”

“Aww,” Vaughn pulled me into his lap. “What about for the nest?”

I rolled my eyes. “Yes, let’s hang pictures in the room made of pillows.”

“I vote we cover the hallway to the nest bathroom with naughty pictures.” Hawk put his phone back in jail.

Cade nodded. “Seconded.”

“And if people come over?” I asked.

Rowan smiled. “There are doors. With locks.”

“Ugh, fine.” I flopped back onto Vaughn dramatically, but I was smiling. They really were good pictures, and all the ones Janet took would be just as good, if not better. It would be fun to have a wall just for us that we could continue to update.

It was cold out, or as cold as it could get in Clarity, even in the winter. But since they were determined not to let me work…

“Can we have a fire outside?”

Joel stood, already moving. “A fire sounds good.”

“With hot chocolate. The good kind.”

“As if I would let the bad kind enter this house,” Rowan acted like I’d stabbed him in the heart before heading to the kitchen.

In less than ten minutes we were outside, warming our hands with mugs and the growing flames.

The moment crept on me, the familiar feeling of peace and happiness I’d had since they became mine.

“What are you thinking about, baby girl?”

Hawk loved to ask me that since the wedding, and my answer was always the same. “Nothing. Everything.”

They laughed, and I laughed with them.

Firelight glinted off my ring. Every time I saw it I was swept back, and I couldn’t let it pass. “I love you.”

The men I called home smiled. Rumbling purrs and the crackle of flames nearly drowned out the whispers of three perfect little words.

The End
