Page 19 of Endless

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I startled, meeting Ocean’s eyes in the vanity mirror. “Yeah?”

She smiled faintly. “You’ve been staring at your blush like it murdered someone for about three minutes.”

“Well, you know how blush can be. Have to keep an eye on it.”

My friends laughed, and then an awkward quiet settled over us. I finally put the blush down. It hadn’t hurt anyone.

Ocean sat on the comfy bench on the other side of the closet. The place was big enough to be its own boutique, it was a good thing it had seating. “Are you really okay, Iz?

“I’ll be fine.”

“That’s not what I asked.”

Pressing my lips together so hard they disappeared, I looked anywhere but at her. Here, in person, it was harder to avoid the heart of these questions.

“No,” I finally said. “Not really. But it doesn’t matter. This is all about Ellie. I can get through it and figure my shit out later.”

Stepping up behind me, Trinity put her hands on my shoulders. “You know we love you, right? We’re going to make sure you’re okay, no matter what.”

“I know.”

Her phone chimed. “Oh, good. Ronnie is here. And the bra delivery will be here in a few.”

“It’s been like ten minutes.”

“It’s a bra,” she called over her shoulder on her way to the door. “Not like they have to spend time browsing.”

I shook my head, unable to contain my laughter.

Ocean smirked, finally looking more relaxed. “Regretting everything yet?”

“Oh, you have no idea.” The giggles wouldn’t stop now that I’d let them out. “Who the fuck is Ronnie?”




“Well, that clears up a few things.” I sat heavily on one of the couches, pretending not to be jealous that Cade just kissed the hell out of our Omega.

He told us the real reason we’re here. It made sense. More sense than someone wanting company for the wedding extravaganza about to take place.

“She won’t admit it, but I think he did a number on her,” Cade said. “We need to be careful.”

A growl rolled out of me. Of course I would be careful of her. The ex? Not so much.

Laughter filtered through the doors to the enormous closet. I could pick hers out among the three. Like my entire being was now attuned to her. The room already smelled like her and she’donly barely walked through it. The next three weeks would be delicious torture.

“How do we approach this?” I finally asked. “Because I can’t just walk away when this is over.”

Rowan sat forward, elbows on his knees. “I’m honestly not sure yet. Maybe after tonight, when we can actually spend a little more time with her, we’ll get an idea. I don’t feel like we can formulate a plan yet.”

“Agreed.” Joel ran a hand over his face.

I smirked, meeting Cade’s eyes. He knew what I was thinking. Tonight, when we were all sharing a giant bed. I looked forward to seeing how Isolde dealt with that. We would never cross a line she didn’t want, but it didn’t mean I couldn’t think about it.
