Page 24 of Endless

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Kissing this Alpha felt like coming home in a way I couldn’t put my finger on, and all I wanted was more. At the same time my brain screamed alarm bells at me. I needed to pull away from him. The temptation to fall into them was already so high, I couldn’t let myself. It wasn’t real, and if I let myself pretend it was, my heart would break all over again.

I couldn’t survive that.

Rowan broke the kiss but didn’t pull away. This close, I saw the warmth in his eyes. Brown that shifted to nearly amber in the afternoon light, and beyond that, a playfulness in them. “Something else for them to talk about,” he whispered.

Worrying my teeth into my lip, I tried to steady myself. Because even in his arms, knowing he wouldn’t let me fall, I felt like I was walking on loose sand. “I’m not sure that’s better. They’re still talking.”

“I don’t know. I think kissing you makes everything better.”

He straightened us both before he could see how red I was turning. People looked at us behind their hands and their champagne glasses, but Rowan ignored them, pulling me further into the party.

“Izzy!” A flying blur of white came flying at me. Rowan barely let go in time for Ellie to barrel into me and wrap me in a hug. “Oh my god, I’m so happy you’re here. Mom made me promise I wouldn’t crash your suite, so I’ve been waiting.”

I laughed. “Hey.”

“It feels like it’s been forever.”

“I talked to you yesterday, Ellie.” I met Hawk’s eyes over her shoulder. He was smiling, watching the interaction with interest.

“I know, but it’s not the same. Come on. You need a drink.” She towed me away from the guys. I glanced over my shoulder to see Warren, Ellie’s fiancé, introducing himself to the pack. Joel nodded in my direction. They would be fine.

Ellie pulled me to the bar. “Can we talk about how I’ve been talking to you every week and you never mentioned a pack?Ever?”

“I wasn’t sure where it was going. What was the point of anyone getting excited if it’s not going to last?”

“And now? They’re here with you. That’s a good sign, right?”

I lifted my shoulders and let them fall. “I guess so.”

“White wine, please. Same for her.” Ellie narrowed her eyes. “Why are you so reluctant? If you didn’t like them, you wouldn’t have brought them with you into the center of attention.”

The bartender placed the glass of wine in front of me, and I spun it on the bar. “I don’t want to get ahead of myself, Ellie. It’sstill new, and you know that time isn’t always a factor. I just want to be sure.”

“If you think it’s not going well, you need your head checked. I saw that kiss, and I saw the way the rest of them looked at you. I don’t even know their names and I’m convinced they’re in love with you.”

I choked on my wine. “They arenotin love with me.”

“Bullshit,” she muttered. “If you’re not engaged by the time the wedding gets here, I’ll be shocked. And besides, wouldn’t you want the pack you’re seeing to be in love with you?”

Danger. My mind pulsed with the word. Too much resistance and this whole thing fell apart. “Oh my god. Have you been talking to Rin? Cause I think you guys are having the same shared delusion.”

“What delusions are we having?” Rin appeared as if summoned. “As long as the delusions are hot, I’m fine with that. Ellie, your mother is looking for you. Something about needing hostess support?”

My sister sighed and took the biggest sip of wine in history. “She means she wants me to help butter people up, even though this isn’t my party, because some of them will be at the wedding. My favorite. My feet are already killing me. I might need to steal some flats before tonight is over.”

Disappearing into the crowd, I leaned against the bar. She and I couldn’t be more different. We barely even looked alike, with her blonde hair and tan skin. I couldn’t get a tan if I campedonthe fucking sun.

“Okay,” Rin said after she ordered her drink. “You have to help me out.”


She lowered her voice so there was no chance of being overheard. “I know you said no fucking the escorts. But I’m begging you. Please. For me.”

I took a sip of my drink, watching people begin to dance. “You’re free to go get some. You’re at a party attached to a wedding. Eventsknownfor creating bad decisions and one-night stands.”

She huffs. “I would. Believe me. I can’t.”

“Why not?”

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