Page 33 of Endless

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Hair pulling?I’ve always loved it. Can’t explain it. But no one really does it right. No big deal.

She moaned again when my fingers tugged at the strands, perfume swirling around us. I was glad we were outside. That fucker didn’t deserve to breathe the same air as her, let alone taste her scent.

I broke the kiss, afraid I would take it too far in front of so many people, and we tried to catch our breath. She smiled as she searched my face. “What point?”

My mouth firmed into a line. “Is he still watching?”

One glance at the house, and her eyes narrowed. Clearly Beau still stood there. “What did he say?”

“I’d rather not repeat it.”


I dropped my hands down her body to her hips, still holding her close, ever the picture of the perfect couple. “He said you were cold and barely came, so it couldn’t possibly be fun for the five of us. I didn’t want to punch someone at your parents’ party, so I came out here to prove him wrong.”

Blood drained from her face. Isolde was already fair skinned, and now she lookedwhite. “He said that?”


“I—” she cleared her throat. “I do have trouble sometimes. It’s hard to turn my brain off, and I’m always thinking about the other person and how I look and smell and?—”

I kissed her again to stop her panicking. “I didn’t come out here to ask you about it or for you to justify what your body needs. Everyone is different, and if your partner doesn’t care enough to learn about your pleasure, that’s his loss. All it does is prove what a fool he is, and make me pity his fiancée.”

“He’s not wrong though.”

“Isn’t he?” I watched her carefully. “Is it that you can’t come, or thathecouldn’t make you come?”

Isolde bit her lower lip, cheeks turning pink. That one little movement told me everything I needed to know. My Omega wasn’t cold. All she needed was someone willing to learn her pleasure and do the work to fucking earn it.

“I’m sorry, Ocean,” I said over her head. “Didn’t mean to steal her from you.”

“That’s okay. I don’t mind.”

It actually looked like she didn’t. If anything, she looked happy I had Isolde in my arms.

A low, resonant sound echoed through the air. A bell. “That’s dinner,” Isolde said. “Or food, I guess. I don’t think they’re having everyone sit down to eat.”

“Are you hungry?”

Instead of answering, her body answered for her, stomach growling. “I think I was so anxious that I forgot to eat,” she whispered.

“Then let’s go eat,” I said. “And I vote you only eat things that are hot. Right in front of Beau.”

Isolde laughed and took my arm. That sound was everything, and I would do everything I could to keep hearing it for the rest of my life.




The rest of the party passed in a blur. The guys brought me food and made sure I was on the opposite side of the room from Beau at all times. It was like having my own private security team.

Every time it looked like he was getting closer, one of them would pretend like we were making our way to speak to someone else. And we did. Old acquaintances who were far too curious about me and the new pack. Old enemies too.

Now the sun had fully set and I was fading. My feet hurt from putting my shoes back on and balancing on the torture devices that were high heels for hours.

Ocean had already left, rushing out of the party when her Aunt and Uncle decided to leave. Rin was drunk enough I would put her in the spare bedroom, and everyone else…
