Page 61 of Endless

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“Just some friendly competition. Losing side gets to set up all the stuff for dinner on the beach.”

“And the winning side?” Vaughn didn’t look away from me.

Warren glanced backward. “Winners get control of the barbecue.”

Vaughn cocked an eyebrow at me, asking the silent question. If I told him I wanted him to take me inside, he would do it. Without hesitation.

I opened my mouth.

“Isolde.” Trinity’s voice carried across the beach. “Get your fine ass out from underneath his fine ass and get yourself a drink.”

Suddenly we were laughing together, and Vaughn kissed me one more time. “Later?”

“Later. But you better win.”

He winked before pulling us both to our feet. “Yes, Ma’am.”




Ipulled my cover-up back on and made my way up the beach to Trinity. She slung an arm around my shoulders and shoved a drink in my hand. “You have shitty timing,” I told her.


“Did you not see where I was?”

She sighed. “Yeah. Pinned under the smoking hot guy you refuse to sleep with.”

I took a sip of the cold, fruity drink she gave me and stared at her. Her face shifted from resigned to shocked, then from shocked to excited. “No.”

“No, what?”

“You slept with them?”

Shrugging, I glanced back to where the guys were in a huddle, apparently figuring out what they were going to play and the rules. Cade saw me looking and winked.

My knees wobbled.

“I think that depends on your definition of ‘sleeping with,’ but I’m not resisting anymore.”

“Thank goodness.” She raised her glass and clinked it against mine. “What did it?”

“You, Ocean, and me getting my head out of my ass.”

“Amen to that.”

Ellie and the rest of her bridesmaids were up on the ballroom terrace, watching the guys and laughing. “I didn’t know you’d be here.”

“Well, I came to kidnap you to do something fun, and Ellie found me and said I should stay. I called Ocean. If she can get away, she’ll come. Want to go up there?”

Angela was in the group. On the edge of it, for sure, but still here and too close.

“Am I a coward if I don’t really want to be around her?”

Trinity snorted into her drink. “No. I don’t want to be around her either. I just wasn’t sure if Ellie would want you there since you’re in the bridal party.”
