Page 68 of Endless

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“Did you fall down and hit your head? Broken up or not, I know you, Beau, and you have tells. You’re lying. And I want to be clear about this. I don’t care.” I sighed. “We’re done. You’re with Angela, I’m with my pack. We can coexist, but I’d prefer to do that separately.”

I went to step around him, and he grabbed me by the arms, pinning me to the door frame. “Men like that can’t make you happy. I’m just looking out for you. You know better than to get involved with people like them.”

“Like what?”

“Not like us. They can’t give you everything you need. I don’t want to see you living some small life.”

A laugh burst out of me. “Are you serious right now? You’re trying to tell me they’re not good enough because they don’t have enoughmoney? You gave up every right to have an opinion on my life when you kicked me out of your house.”

“Yeah,” he snarled. “But I didn’t actually expect you toleave.”

The words took the wind out of my sails. “What?”

Beau sighed, stepping back to run his hands through his hair. “I never actually meant for you to leave. I thought you’d cry and beg me not to do it. I thought over that week we’d figure it out, and things would get better. I wasn’t happy, and nothing was changing. So I did something to force us to change.”

I stared at him, mouth falling open. “Do you know how insane that sounds? If you weren’t happy, there’s an easiersolution than burning a relationship to the ground. It’s calledtalking.”

“I just told you I tried.” His voice rose, echoing off the walls and masking the sound of the front door closing. We both froze, but heard nothing. “I wanted to explain, but you had evaporated like a fucking ghost.”

Shaking my head, I tried to wrap my head around it. Frankly, this didn’t make what he’d done hurt less. If anything, it made it hurt more because he hadn’t trusted me enough to think I’d be fine with changing things up.

“Well, you certainly moved on quickly for someone who claims they wanted to save our relationship.”

“I was lonely and grieving. Angela was kind, and… you didn’t come back.”

I nodded. “You’re right. Thank you for telling me, I guess. Angela is waiting for you.”

“We’re not done.”

“What else could youpossiblyhave to say to me?”

He gripped my arms again. “I still care about you, Izzy-bear. Trust me. They’re not good for you. But I am. I can fix this. I can make it right.”

“Said the man with his ring on another woman’s finger. You’re just going to toss her aside like you did me? No. We are done.” I grit my teeth. “Let. Me. Go.”

“No. Not until you listen. Not until you give me another chance. You and I were made for each other. Blueberry muffins, right?”

I tried to move, but he was holding me too tightly. Panic clawed at my insides. “Beau, stop.”

A hand landed in the center of Beau’s chest, shoving him backward into the other side of the door frame. Hawk, still sweaty from the gym, towered over him. “She told you to let her go.”

I slipped out of the closet, finding Ellie there with wide eyes. It clicked. She was the one who came inside the front door and heard us, then went to get the guys.Thank you, I mouthed.

“Get your hands off me,” Beau snapped.

“Funny.” I let the sarcasm drip before I turned back to face them. “That’s what I said. You didn’t listen. Why should he?”

Hawk looked over at me, dark eyes filled with fury. His head turned slowly back toward Beau. No one in the world wanted to be on the end of that look. “You were warned to stay away until she wanted to talk to you. The next time you touchmyOmega without her consent, you will get a lot more than a hand to the chest. Do you understand me?”

Beau looked over at me, eyes unsure, seeing if I was going to intervene. Like hell.

“Do you understand me?” Hawk’s voice cracked through the air like thunder.

My ex rose to the challenge. “You think you deserve her? You and your tattoos? She was mine first, so enjoy that. Everything you get, I’ve already had. You really think she could want you when she’s had me?”

Hawk didn’t rise to the bait, standing there and glaring at Beau. There was no comparison. The bite in Beau’s words told me the truth—he didn’t care about me. Not really. He’d gambled with our relationship and lost, and now that I was back with a pack who showered me with attention, his ego couldn’t handle it.

Beau’s face twisted into a smirk. “Enjoy watching her fall for me all over again,Elliot.”

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