Page 71 of Endless

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A nearly intangible change shivered through the air. Rowan’s verypresencegrew larger as he stared at me. “I can help with that, but I’m going to ask you some questions.”

“Okay.” Neither of us had moved, but it felt like I was suddenly naked and on my knees.

He took a step closer, hands in his pockets, watching me. Every nuance and fidget, he saw. “What is your goal for this?”

“To turn my brain off.”

His smile broke through. “I know. I mean are you looking for sex? Or are you looking for something else?”

“I didn’t think it mattered. If it’s surrender, it’s what you want, right?”

“That is true.” He took another step toward me. “But as with anything in a power exchange, there’s no point in fulfilling a want if the other person isn’t getting what they need.”

My mouth opened and closed. I wet my lips, because everything had suddenly gone hot and dry. “I hadn’t planned anything beyond asking you.”

One of Rowan’s hands slipped behind my neck. “The things on the list you filled out? They’re fantasies. Ways to play and connect with each other. Things to try. That doesn’t mean they don’t require practice. So as much as I love the thought of taking you under command and keeping you there the whole day, playing to my every whim, you’re not ready for that.”

“The whole day?”

A low, rough purr rose in the space between us. “I’d love to do more than that. Take you to a place in your mind where you could disappear for days. Just you and me,” his lips quirked, “and whatever I want. Again, you’re not ready for that, and clearly we don’t have the time. I already know your limits, so what is it youneed, Isolde?”

Everything felt so heavy. All I needed was the weight gone. Beyond that, I felt like I couldn’t even think. “I need someone else to be in control. I promise I’m not trying to be vague, but that’s what it is. Pleasure is great. Sex is great. But what I need is… surrender.”

“You need a safeword.”

“Banana,” I said instantly. “I already chose that one with Vaughn.”

Rowan chuckled. “Banana. I like it.” He stepped forward then, his other hand coming up my throat. My neck was now ringed by his fingers. There didn’t need to be pressure there for me to freeze, every Omega instinct melting in the presence of an Alpha.

His eyes warmed, unspoken approval flowing out of them. I would have leaned into his touch if I could move at all.

“For the next two hours, you belong to me. You will make no decisions—not take a single step—without me telling you to do so. Your obedience will be instant, and without hesitation. You don’t need permission to come, but you will tell me if you’re going to. Because we’re new at this, if you have a question and you can’t see me or touch me, say ‘question.’ If you can touch me, tap me three times. Until the time is up, or you use your safeword, you’re mine, do you understand?”


Heat flared in his gaze. “Good girl.”

It was the only warning I got. Rowan spun me, pinning my back to his chest, his hands going to the buttons at the top of my dress. “I fucking love buttons. It’s like you wore this just for me so I could unwrap you.”

Heated kisses down my neck and across my shoulder when he pulled the dress down. Pleasure and more than that, I knew I didn’t have to worry about what he wanted or what I wanted, because he was already taking care of it.

Rowan pushed the dress off my shoulders, allowing it to pool on the floor. A few seconds later, the rest of my clothes joined the dress, and he released me just to stare. My whole body flushed at the attention, and I had to resist the urge to cover myself. Not because I was embarrassed—they’d all already seen me naked—but because I wasn’t used to beingseenlike this.

“You’re fucking beautiful, you know that?” He took my chin gently between his fingers. “And not only because you’re naked in front of me. You have a beautiful soul.”

I opened my mouth to speak and closed it again. He hadn’t told me to. Liquid heat poured over me in a wave.

“You may speak.”

“How do you know I have a beautiful soul? You barely know me.”

Rowan looked around the library, gaze settling on a green velvet armchair. He picked it up like it was a feather, placing it in front of the window, so whoever sat there could admire the view. “The same way I know your parents and sister love you. Or the way I knew the others were my pack as soon as we met. Sometimes you simply know something. Time has nothing to do with it. Step out of your dress.”

I moved to the side, and he picked it up off the floor, draping it over the seat of the chair. Then he turned, a sparkle in his eyes. “Your turn. Undress me.”

Up close, Rowan was overwhelming. More than a foot of height on me, with the freshly showered version of his scent bathing me in memories of sunlight and the sea. He helped me get his shirt up and over his head because I wasn’t tall enough, and I dragged my fingers through the hair on his chest, feeling every smooth plane and muscled groove.

“I didn’t tell you to explore me,” he said, but the words were light. Amused. “But I like it. Feel free.”
