Page 73 of Endless

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I wasn’t prepared for the sight of Rowan sitting in the chair—sprawling in it like a king—on top of my dress, like he was claiming me that way too while keeping the chair clean.

“Kneel down.”

My knees obeyed before I could think the thought. I knew what he meant now about being taken to a place where this could last days. It would be like taking the longest, most delicious nap of my life.

Rowan leaned down, his face close to mine. “You wrote on your questionnaire that you enjoy blowjobs, and further. Is that true?”

When I hesitated he smiled and kissed my forehead. “If I’m asking you a question, you can always answer, little flower.”

I preened at the nickname, my Omega nearly purring in contentment. If Omegas could purr. “Everything I wrote on there is the truth.”

“Good. Because you’re going to put your mouth on me now. Feel free to move when you wish to keep yourself comfortable, because you’re not allowed to remove your mouth until I tell you to.”

Reaching out, I tapped his knee three times before he pulled back. “What’s your question?”

“Why not just tell me to? Why ask if I enjoy it?”

He smiled and reached for my hand, taking mine and wrapping it around his shaft while he spoke. “Give some men power like this, and they’d have you on your knees, using your mouth, whether or not you enjoyed it. And that’s all they’d do.”

A smirk that sent shivers down my spine. Rowan moved my hand while he spoke, showing me how to stroke and twist at once. “I’m not saying I’ll only do things you fully enjoy. Butthere’s a reason this is called an exchange. Both of us getting something out of it. Today, I’m choosing only things I know you’ll enjoy, because I fully intend on making you come, so I’m building to it.”

My lips formed a small ‘o.’ He saw my hesitance while at the same time still moving both our hands, his cock hot and hard beneath my palm. When I squeezed him, he let out a groan. “Careful, Isolde. You wanted to say something?”

“How did you know?”

I loved that smile and the way his eyes traced over me. They were lighter in the brightness, honeyed amber too sweet for the dominance rolling off him. “Your face says everything you’re thinking. Tell me.”

“I like them, but I’m not very good at them,” I whispered.

“Is that what you think? Or is that what you’ve been told?”


He leaned forward further, lips brushing my ear, breath making me shiver. Goosebumps raced over my skin, my nipples hardened, and I swore I felt pleasure straight down in my core with his words. “How could you possibly be bad at it when I’m going to tell you exactly what to do? When I sit back, you’re going to put those sinful fucking lips around my cock and take as much of me as you cancomfortably. Nothing else. If you understand, say ‘yes, Alpha.’”

The air must have gone up like ten degrees because it was so much hotter in here than it had been before. “Yes, Alpha.”

Rowan sat back, the mantle of power around him nearly visible. I just wanted to stare at him. Gorgeous. The ambient sunlight made his hair more gold than brown, painting the lines of his body in sharper contrasts. I was having a hard time not leaning forward and licking them. And the cock my hand was still wrapped around?

Fuck me.

He raised one eyebrow, and I blinked. Right.

Rising up on my knees, I slid my mouth around him, his scent suddenly concentrated into a flavor so real my eyes rolled back in my head. I moaned on purpose, giving him the sound he’d wanted at breakfast, his face told me he knew it.

But he groaned—a pure sound of pleasure—that made me eager.

It was the reason I liked this even if I wasn’t great at it. Giving someone pleasure made me happy. And the raw fire in his eyes told me everything I needed to know.

I obeyed his instructions, sliding down his length until I couldn’t take more of him comfortably, and waited. There was still more of him. I was pretty sure I could take him all, but it would be a struggle.

One I already knew I’d enjoy.

Beau hadn’t let me do this. It was always fast and quick. He said I wasn’t the best, but no man said no to a woman’s mouth. Now those words made me cringe. How the fuck did I ever think that was normal?

I waited, my palms on Rowan’s thighs, waiting. I thought it might be awkward, but it wasn’t. If I were kneeling on a pillow, I could do this for a while.

“Suck it for me, Isolde, nice and slow.” His palm spread across the back of my head, holding it in place. “Don’t move. Just suck.”
