Page 77 of Endless

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“Did I know what?”

“About Beau? Dad said he tried to tell me that he was bad news and I was so infatuated that I didn’t hear him or listen. I’m trying to figure out how blind I really was to all of it.” She opened her mouth but I keep going. “It feels like every day I learn just how much I thought was normal, and how much I excused, and how much I convinced myself I was happy. Was I just that poor girl everyone was smiling at and saying ‘poor thing’ behind my back?”

The horror on her face instantly makes me feel better. “Isolde,no. Did I love Beau while you were with him? No. But I didn’t think this was who he was. Not at all. The way Warren talked about him, I thought they could have been twins. Later there were some times I thought you could have been happier,but it was your relationship and your business, so I figured you guys were just going through some shit like every couple does.

“But I had no idea. Neither did Mom. At least whenever she was around me. If I’d thought he was this much of a piece of shit during your relationship I would have told you. Hell, I probably would have hired a private investigator to prove it.”

Part of the weight lifts off my shoulders. “Thank you. I’ve been wondering if everyone was just waiting for the other shoe to drop, and I honestly don’t know if I could handle that.”

Ellie wrapped her arms around me. “You know, I bet Dad knows some hitmen.”


“What? Just because he’s a lawyer he can’t know shady people? Beau can disappear and no one ever has to know.”

I glanced back at all the guys. “Yeah, that’s a great idea, after Hawk very publicly threatened him this morning.”


“Stop,” I laughed. “It’s enough for him to fuck off. I don’t need to kill him.”

She sighed. “Fine. I’ll settle for castration.”

I didn’t hate that idea.

“Okay,” Warren stepped up beside Ellie and pulled her away from me. “Too much sister time.”

Ellie scoffed. “She’s been gone a year. There’s no such thing as too much sister time.” Then she patted his face. “Don’t be jealous. You get me for the rest of our lives.”

“That’s true.” He murmured the words against her lips. “I’m fucking lucky, aren’t I?”

“Yes, you are.”

They started making out. A few hoots and hollers from behind us in the line didn’t even make a dent.

“What do you say? Should we give them a run for their money?”

The warm and buttery side of bourbon infused my senses a second before Joel wove his fingers between mine with both his hands, bending down to lean his chin on my shoulder.

I gasped in mock horror. “And risk someone cutting in line because we’re not paying attention? Never.”

He purred, holding me easily. Not desperately or possessively, like it was a natural thing to have me tucked into his side. Like he wouldn’t have it any other way.

“Did you have fun with Rowan?” He asked quietly.

Perfume exploded around me, and he grinned. “I guess that answers my question.”

“You haven’t told me what yours are.”

“My stuff on the list?”


Joel tugged me around so I was plastered against him, hands moving to knead my lower back slowly. “I thinkalmosteverything I like on there can be summed up with ‘comfort.’”

I frowned. “I don’t remember that being on the list.”

“Not directly, no. Things like massages that lead to more. Sleepy sex. Or sex while one of us is sleeping.” He winked. “Holding you on my lap, my cock deep inside you, teasing your clit until you shatter all over me, no matter how long it takes. Maybe we’ll be watching a movie while we do that.”
