Page 83 of Endless

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Icouldn’t believe I was doing this.

Hawk’s hand rested on my thigh while he drove. The back seat of their SUV was filled withway too manybags, each one with pale pink tissue paper sticking out of it.

Cheriahad every piece of lingerie you could imagine, and I was halfway convinced we’d bought one of each. I’d told Hawk he didn’t have to, but once he begged the sales woman for my sizes, he was like an unleashed tornado.

I pulled out my phone to calm my nerves about actually taking pictures like this, and texted Trinity first.


Hey. You alive? Haven’t heard from you since you disappeared.

A picture came through almost immediately. Trinity with her blonde hair in a messy bun, hair flying in every direction, and a silly expression on her face.


Proof of life! And yeah, sorry. Things have been crazy. The emergency was that somebody at the office died. A freak car accident. Thing is, they were one of our biggest people, so everyone’s been scrambling to pick up the slack and make sure that stories don’t get dropped in the middle. It’s a mess.

I kind of got promoted though? Like not really, but I get to do some of these stories, and they’re a bit more serious.

Damn. Trinity loved her job, reporting on the society scene in Clarity Coast and Sunset City, but she still wanted to do more. Sure, her profiles on people like the St. James pack were well received—I still had to ask them about that interview—and she had fun doing them.

It was the occasional boozy girl’s night where she confessed she wanted a bit more substance. Not to leave the fun, glitzy part of the job behind, but expand it. She had killer interview skills. Why not use them to do stories on celebrities and societyandthe heavy hitters?

I hoped this would be that chance.


That’s great! I mean, not that someone died, but that you’ll have the chance to do something more. If you need help or anything, let me know.


If I need a rescue from my own brain you’ll be the first person I call.

Then I texted the thread with all three of us.


I agreed to do something, and it might be a terrible idea.


Considering your last ‘terrible idea’ has turned out great so far, I’m going to withhold judgment until I hear it.


Yeah. What did you do? If it involves any of the handsome Alphas you’re currently sharing a bed with, I doubt it’s bad.


One of them talked me into doing a boudoir photoshoot.

Talking me into it was a little generous. Hawk hadn’t had to do much convincing once he told me exactly what he was thinking. But it was still nothing I would have come up with alone.
