Page 96 of Endless

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My whole body shuddered, and Vaughn shifted, turning me to the rock and pinning me there with his hips while he gathered my hands in one of his, making my mind go absolutely blank with need and thevisceralknowledge that he had me and could do whatever he wanted.

And I wanted to let him.

“If you want me to let you go, tell me now,” he growled. “If you don’t, tell me your safeword.”

I opened my mouth, and he tightened his hold.

“If you tell me your safeword, you need to know what it means. I’m going to chase you down, Isolde, and when I do, I’m going to take what I want from you. Fuck you any way I want. Fight back all you want. I can handle it. But you aremine. Even if you get away, I’ll find you and take you all over again untilIdecide we’re finished, understand? Now choose.”

His fingers released my mouth. I could scream. I could tell him to release me and go back inside. But the whispers in my soul were louder than the tiny bit of anxiety and fear. I’d always wanted to try it, and I didn’t know if I’d ever have another chance. What he said? I wanted it. Desperately. My voice sounded like I’d already been screaming. “Banana.”

Vaughn’s hand covered my mouth again, while his own mouth dragged up my neck to my ear. “Good girl. This dress isn’t the only thing that will be ruined by the time I’m done with you.”

I whined, arousal skimming over my skin like the tide rising. More than that, I felt what he’d described before—the deepest instincts I had coming to the surface, urging me to get away from the predator coming after me. Toflee.

The hand over my mouth disappeared, instead gripping my hair and pulling my head back, exposing my neck. “Last chance to back out, Omega. When I let you go, I’ll give you a head start.” The softest of laughs. “Need to pretend it’s fair.”

There was no way I was backing out now, and more than that, my instincts were already taking over. His hand loosened in my hair, and I moved, twisting so sharply he had to let me go and shoving him while he was still off balance. I didn’t wait to see if he fell—I was too busy running.

Past the rock and away from the house. The now-risen moon glinted off the water, and Vaughn’s growl turned into laughter that made my hair stand on end.

I grabbed my skirt in my hands and pushed myself faster.




Isolde ran from me, and I smiled. Every instinct shifted, the darkness becoming clearer, sounds becoming sharper. Her sweet scent was like a beacon drawing me straight to her, as if I couldn’t see her running straight down the beach.

The others were everywhere. Stationed so we weren’t interrupted and Isolde didn’t end up somewhere with other people. She wasmine.

My cock was already hard beneath the jeans I wore. I’d left my shirt behind. It was only going to get in the way. Much like that frothy, bite-of-frosting dress I was going to rip off her.

I inhaled her scent, layered with anticipation and anxiety. The flowers in it smelled like they’d been crushed. Just a little too sweet, a little too far gone. Not rotten. A perfect blend forwhat we wanted. My mouth watered with the need to taste her, and I watched her stumble in the sand before reaching her feet.

She wasn’t thinking, the prey instinct merely telling her to run without telling her she was still an easy target.

Time she learned.

Energy surged into my limbs, and I sprinted down the sand after her. That fucking dress glowed in the moonlight like a beacon, calling to me. Even if she’d had nothing on, the trail of scent she left behind her felt like it was on fire in my mind. I could follow her anywhere.Wouldfollow her anywhere.


The sand disappeared under my feet, years of spending days on the beach and running on sand giving me exactly the footing I needed. She wasn’t fast enough.

One look behind her, and I felt the pulse of her panic. Heard her gasp as she realized just how close I was and tried to run faster. The fabric of the skirt tripped her, and I leapt.

I took her to the sand, rolling her underneath me in one movement. She fought. Hips bucking, nails scratching, groaning in the struggle as I pinned her to the earth with my full weight. “Get the fuck off me,” she shoved my shoulders, but I didn’t let them move.

I laughed, leaning down to inhale her neck. “I’m going to get the fuck off, that’s for sure.”

She moved, and I jerked back just in time, avoiding her head colliding with my nose. It made me grin. My Omega was a fighter, even though she was going to lose. Letting my weight push her further into the ground, she whined, and the sound went straight to my cock, already so hard it was painful.

“Never run in a straight line, sweetheart.” I pinned her wrists to the damp sand. We were where the tide hadn’t yet reached, beach flat and perfect except for where her struggles showed. “Didn’t anyone ever tell you that?”

“Sorry, I didn’t get instructions on how to run from a psycho.” Her struggles were slowing, her energy useless in the face of my strength.

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