Page 118 of You Are Not Me

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“That’s what Daniel does,” Minty said bitchily. “He holds it together.”

I addressed my question to Windy. “His mom drinks?” All I’d known about her before was that she liked scrapbooking and money and had really spaced out the ages of her kids.

“Duh,” Minty said.

“Well, she’s not supposed to, but when she does, she pretty much falls down a rabbit hole of liquor and vomit and doesn’t climb back up until CPS threatens to take away her kids,” Windy said.

Daniel’s sweet smile came to mind, and my heart hurt for him. “I didn’t know.”

“You wouldn’t,” Minty snarled.

“What’s that supposed to mean?” I asked.

“Just that you’re selfish.”

I stared at him, unable to argue.

Minty leaned in, getting in my space. “You are, aren’t you? Think about it. You don’t care if some angel of a girl gets her heart destroyed, so long as you get whatyouwant in the end.” He poked his finger into my chest. “You don’t care about Daniel’s feelings, so long as he validatesyou, and makesyoufeel like maybe you aren’t someone’s second choice. You don’t care that he has real problems, as long as he supportsyouin yours.” Minty lifted his finger to point it in my face, millimeters from my nose. “You’re just a bitch who takes and takes, because he doesn’t give afuckabout the consequences or what other people go through.”

“Hey,” Barry said. “Keep it civil.”

“Fuck civil.” Minty rocketed to his feet and turned to me with his fists up. “Come on. Fight me. I dare you. Get up and take me on, bitch.” His eyes burned hot and angry. His fists jolted out into the air between us in practice punches. His jean skirt constricted his fighter stance, the pink tank slipping off one shoulder.

“Watch out,” Antonio whispered. “He’s like a second-degree black belt in something. I can never remember what.”

“Aikido,” Windy supplied.

“Right, Akita.” Antonio nodded vacantly. “Those dogs are vicious fuckers.”

Minty rolled his eyes. “Shut up, idiot.” He darted another punch at me. “Peter, get over here and fight me like a man.”

I started to stand up, my knees shaky, heart pounding. I wasn’t going to hit Minty, but I knew a thing or two about being a punching bag. If hitting me would make him feel better, maybe I deserved it.

Barry threw his towel down on the counter and boomed, “No fighting in the club. Do you hear me?” He pointed his finger at Minty. “Especially not over something as stupid as this.”

Minty didn’t back down, punching the air again and yelling, “C’mon, pussy!”

Antonio laughed and helpfully shoved me closer so I stood within striking distance. I didn’t put my fists up. I’d once promised Adam to fight back the next time someone threatened to hurt me, but I wasn’t going to hit Minty. No matter what, he was my friend.

“Why are you doing this?” I asked. My hands trembled, and my legs almost gave out. I’d been fucked to exhaustion the day before, and now my misery sapped any remaining strength. I sagged back against my stool, and Antonio let me.

“Because you suck. And because Daniel’s the best person in the world.”

Barry slapped the towel on the bar again. “And would ‘the best person in the world’ want you to turn attack-dog on a guy just because they got their rocks off together once, and it didn’t go anywhere afterward? Let Daniel fight his own battles.”

“Yeah, little warrior,” Windy said, putting his arm soothingly around Minty’s shoulder. “Put the dukes down. Daniel wouldn’t want you to mess up Peter’s face anyway. He likes his face.”

Minty’s determination flagged at that. “I guess he’d be pissed.”

“He’ll probably be pissed you made a big deal over it at all,” Antonio said, sounding a little more together than he had a few minutes earlier. “Big deal. Over it. Such cool words. Coo-ool. Worrrdssss.”

Or maybe not.

“He’ll be flattered,” Barry said, sarcastically. “What red-blooded male doesn’t need his honor defended after some drunken kisses gone awry?”

“I’m sorry about what happened,” I said, holding Minty’s angry gaze. “I never wanted to hurt Daniel. I care about him. A lot.”

“Fuck you,” Minty spat at me before throwing Barry the bird.
