Page 47 of Only You

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I ran my fingers through the curly disaster, trying to smooth it down, but I knew it was useless without water or some kind of product.

Daniel trailed his fingers across my cheek. “I remember the first day I saw you at Robert and Barry’s, I thought, ‘Steer clear of that one. Too young.’” He kissed me. “But then you kept showing up places. Like that night on the Hill when I helped you jump your battery.” Daniel’s expression went soft, and he touched his index finger to my lower lip before pulling it away. “I wanted you to think I had it all together back then.”

“Well, you succeeded. I did think that.”

Daniel sobered. “Are you disillusioned by the truth?”

I shook my head. “Neither one of us has it all together.” He was such a better person than me, and I had a lot to learn from him.

“You won’t go back to him?” Daniel’s eyes flashed with vulnerability.

I stroked his back. “I won’t.”

“You love really hard, Peter, and even though I spent the summer jealous as hell, I thought your loyalty to him was beautiful. Fucked up and bound to end in disaster, but beautiful.”



Daniel pushed me down on the bed so that he was on top of me again. He placed his elbows on either side of my head, holding himself up to gaze down into my eyes.

He dropped kisses on my nose and jaw, straying to kiss the lobes of my ears. I shivered and let him do it, reveling in his weight and touch. “All of that reminded me of my dad. He was flawed in a lot of ways, but he loved my mom so hard and so much that he did a lot of questionable things for her. He covered up her drinking and lied about it so she wouldn’t be embarrassed. He was an enabler, but he loved her more than I’ve seen anyone love another human being.”

I didn’t know what to say. Was this a compliment? I wasn’t sure.

“The truth is, I always resented how much he loved her. He never lovedmehalf as much, andIsure can’t seem to love her like he did.”

“She’s got problems.” I stroked his back again, the weight of him making my voice sound strained. “Her choices make it hard for you.”

“Yeah, that’s true. But…” He sighed, his heart beating faster. I could feel it against my chest. “But when I met you, and when we started to get to know each other, I understood my dad more than I ever had before. I saw how messed up what you were doing with Adam was, how much it was going to hurt you and other people, too, and it was infuriating.”

I stared up into his dilated eyes and felt his dick push against my stomach. “But even then, Peter, all I couldreallysee wasyou. How gorgeous you are, what a kind, good-hearted person you are at your core. I wanted you then, and I want you now.”

I tugged him down into a messy, urgent kiss, and this time, no one interrupted.

Chapter Ten

Daniel yanked myshirt off and I tugged at his, too. Our jeans were harder to get off when we couldn’t stop kissing long enough to wriggle out of them, but we managed, and I got my first real glimpse of his dick.

“Holy shit,” I whispered, grabbing hold of it as saliva flooded my mouth. I wanted to taste him. I wanted to see how much I could fit in my mouth and how deep I could take that monster. I’d known he was bigger than Adam—had felt it against me in Nashville and sometimes while dancing—but the reality of just how much bigger ignited me with lust and curiosity.

I didn’t get a chance to try putting it in my mouth, because Daniel flipped me onto my back and set on me hungrily. He touched me everywhere, kissed me in places that made me writhe, and manhandled me so he didn’t miss a single sensitive spot.

My cock thudded as he tongued my inner thighs, and then moved up to suck on the bend of my elbow, and then attacked my neck and mouth. He whispered my name as a constant undercurrent of connection, and I said his back to him, humbled by his intense display of physical adoration.

With a shaking hand, I gripped Daniel’s cock. It flexed against the palm of my hand. Its heat was amazing, and it was slick on the sides from dribbled pre-cum. I swallowed hard looking at it.

Daniel reached under the pillow and pulled out a bottle of lube. I watched him pour some into his hand and then down to slick himself. “I’m not going to penetrate you, I promise.”

I was surprised by the wave of disappointment that engulfed me with those words. I wasn’t ready for that today. His size alone was scary, and there were all the emotional repercussions of that kind of intense intimacy, at least for me. I didn’t want to rush into penetrative sex—despite my brand-new box of condoms. But, still, when he’d said it wasn’t going to happen, I’d realized how much I wanted it to…sometime very soon.

“Come here. Spoon with me. I want to feel you in my arms.”

I didn’t know what to expect, but I moved into the little-spoon position. His lube-slick cock rubbed against my ass cheeks.

“Lift your leg,” Daniel whispered in my ear. As I did, he pushed his cock down below my balls. When I lowered my leg again, I could feel him there, hot and hard between my thighs, the head of his dick nudging my sac.
