Page 83 of Only You

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“Don’t you mean to the moon?” Antonio said, poking his dimpled cheek with a finger. “Mr. Everything’s-Made-of-Moonbeams.”

Minty smacked his finger away, grumbling, “I’m never going to live that down.”

“It’s all happening so fast,” Robert said, fanning himself like he might faint. “It seems like just the other dayDrag Dollswas only a twinkle in my eye, and now she’s all grown up and out fending for herself.”

“I’m not ready to call it a done deal yet,” Barry said. “We have to wait and see if it’s accepted.”

“I know you’re just trying to protect my feelings if it’s not, but dream with me, Barry.” Robert wrapped his arms around Barry’s middle and kissed his jaw.

“I dream with you all the time, woman. I gotta hold your feet to the earth now and again.”

Robert rolled his eyes, but there was that eternal fondness. He and Barry were a forever thing. It made my heart warm to watch them bicker.

I glanced toward Daniel. Could we have that kind of relationship one day? I hoped it wasn’t too much to ask.

The fire crackled behind us. “The fire needs more wood,” Daniel said, putting his hand on my shoulder. “Peter, come help me carry some from the shed?”


The hoots and hollers that followed us as we crossed the field were slightly embarrassing but mainly ridiculous.

“What do they think we’re going to do? Fuck against the piles of wood?” I asked as we rounded the corner of the shed.

“They probably thought we’d do something like this,” he said, grabbing my hand and pulling me close. He kissed me and slid his cool fingers underneath my T-shirt, skimming up to rub his thumbs against my nipples as his tongue tickled against mine.

My heart leapt and a smug sense of satisfaction ripped into me. Daniel was mine to kiss and have. He was myboyfriend. And everyone here knew it. Even better, Adam wasnot. Adam was driving back to Atlanta right now because we were over, over,over. Thank fucking God.

“I can’t wait to get you alone,” Daniel whispered. “You’re the only good thing in my life the last few weeks, and I want to wallow in you.”

“Me too.”

He huffed. “What was I thinking inviting them at all? It should have just been me and you. Alone.”

I shivered. “I don’t know, but you did invite them, so now we have to live with your mistakes.”

He laughed.

A new round of noises rose from the group. “God, keep it in your pants, Daniel!” Antonio shouted.

“Yeah, guys, enough!” Minty called out. “It’s making me wanna puke up my entire life.”

“We’re not even doing anything!” I called out, as I hauled an armload of wood around the shed and toward the bonfire.

“Sure you’re not!” Antonio and Minty started making kissing sounds and dry humping the air.

The rest of the night was awesome. We talked and laughed, we drank soda and made plans. I took photos of them all with the beautiful glow of the firelight dancing over their skin and in their hair.

It was easygoing after so many days of stress for Daniel and so much abrupt change for me. The evening encapsulated the one thing I’d never had in my entire life before this past summer: friends who knew me for who I was, and who loved me anyway.

As the moon made its way across the sky, the celebratory mood dried up. Once the bonfire was on its last leg, Daniel threw one last log on to keep the fire from going out, but it seemed the party had run its course. Barry and Robert were getting ready to go and so were the others.

“It’s such a long drive,” Daniel said to Barry. “Are you sure you don’t want to stay?”

I felt awful about it, but I really hoped Barry would say no. I was also grateful that Daniel had spoken quietly enough that Minty, Antonio, and Windy hadn’t heard. They’d have jumped at the offer.

“I’ve got to open at the library tomorrow,” Barry said, standing with a big yawn and stretch. “Or else I’d take you up on that.”

I winced for him. It wasn’t that late yet, but opening shift was so early, and he’d be getting by on a less-than-ideal amount of sleep. As for me, I’d traded my opening shift with another employee, a nice guy named Graham. I had no reason to rush away tonight.
