Page 84 of Only You

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“Next bonfire we’ll stay over, baby,” Robert said, patting Daniel’s cheek. “Promise.”

“I don’t think there’ll be a next time,” Daniel admitted. “I’m pretty sure the house will be sold by the end of next month.” He shrugged. “Besides, you’re a little on the elderly side for sleepovers anyway.”

Robert smacked his arm. “Barry, did you hear that boy insult us and call usold?”

Barry just grunted and lifted his cooler full of snacks and sodas.

“Well, if they’re leaving, Antonio and I are leaving, too,” Windy said, standing up and brushing off his jeans. He pulled Antonio up. “It’s early enough we might still hit the club tonight. Want to come, Minty?”

Minty shook his head, spitting out the piece of grass he’d been chewing on. “Told my mama I’d stay with her this weekend. Gotta be bright-eyed and bushy-tailed for my crucifixion tomorrow.”

“Church?” Daniel asked.

“I’ve even picked out my nicest dress for it,” Minty said, winking at him and preening a little.

Daniel’s face went dark. “You better be joking.”

Minty sighed and wrapped his arms around Daniel in a hug, patting his chest. “Don’t worry. I’m not an idiot. I wouldn’t give those assholes the satisfaction of killing me in the parking lot like the sacrificial lamb I’m destined to be. I’ll be wearing my old, ugly brown suit like a good boy.”

“I wouldn’t put it past some of those assholes to attack you in the church itself if you wore a dress,” Daniel muttered.

“But that wouldn’t be very Christian, now would it?” Minty snarled. “Besides, I’d just like to see them take me.” He puffed up his chest.

Right. Aikido. How did I always forget?

Antonio took up barking and Windy joined in, until Daniel told them to shut up. Laughing, Windy threw his arm around my shoulders. “Akita. Damn, Antonio is such a dumbass.”

Daniel was still lecturing Minty. “Be careful. Use what you’ve learned in theater classes. Spit on the ground and grab your dick. Pretend you’re an old redneck dude with a truck full of shotguns.”

“I’ve got the truck. Just need the guns.”

“Feel free to beat Pat Morrison’s ass if you see him there. Just kick him in the balls. Tell him it’s a gift from me.”

“Oh, Patty, he’s not even worth it,” Minty said, shaking his head and laughing. “I’d like to kick Pastor Newsom in the balls the most. That fucking prick told my mama he’dprayfor me tochange. Said I had demons in me.” Minty spit on the ground and then with the rubber sole of his tennis shoe ground it into the dirt. “Prick.”

“I hate that guy,” Daniel said. “He smells like cinnamon gum.”

“Yeah. Ruined Big Red for me forever.”

“At least he’s not your father,” Robert added.

“Oh, are we playing ‘who’s had it worst’ now?” Minty asked. “Believe me, I’d win.” An uncomfortable wave moved through the group, but it passed when Minty turned to Daniel and said, “Daniel would definitely lose. Your folks tookyouto the snooty Episcopal church where no one ever talks about burning in hell.”

“When they took me to church at all.”

“If I didn’t love you so much, I’d hate you for being such a lucky fuck.”

Daniel cleared his throat, and everyone could see the weight of all the very unlucky things that had happened to Daniel land between them. Minty cast his eyes down, ashamed. “I mean, I know you’ve had bad things happen. I just—”

“I know what you meant,” Daniel said. “Dead fathers and drunken mothers don’t negate that I was lucky not to be raised in a hellfire-and-brimstone church. Don’t worry about it.”

Minty stood on his tiptoes and kissed Daniel’s cheek. “See? You’re the best person ever.”

Daniel rolled his eyes.

Minty turned to me, then. “Guess you’re staying?”

I nodded.
