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I laughed. “Oh, yeah? Well, why don’t you beg for it then?”

“Please make me scream, Sir.Please.”

“So fucking gorgeous.”

Fifteen minutes later, Minty was screaming his head off, and joy flowed inside me like a river. Happiness, love, lust… As unexpected and even unwanted as this relationship might have started out, there was no denying all my needs were satisfied in the person of Mitchell.

My sweet, dirty, horny boy.

Chapter Twenty-Three


“Ihave togo see my mom,” Minty said over breakfast two days later, his lips twisting up miserably. He’d spent the night again, this time in my bed, where we’d practiced lovemaking. He’d still needed to be the one on top to get all the way through without fighting me, but it was hot, and we both enjoyed it.

I paused in eating my cereal to glance his way. “You don’t want to?”

Minty shrugged, his brows low, his eyes directed out the window into the scrubby back yard full of gray-brown bushes and faded out grass. I should make it nicer back there. Plant some winter flowers and evergreen shrubs, but I didn’t have the time, money, or inclination. I’d rather invest what time I had left—

I broke off that thought. I refused to become like Minty, so certain I’d die soon that I was nearly banking on it.

As he continued to fret over whatever was going on in his head, I took a final few bites of cereal before taking the bowl to the sink to rinse. When I came back, he was winding his fingers together restlessly and gnawing on his lip.

Taking hold of his hands, I stilled his fingers and joined our hands instead. “Hey, look at me.”

He lifted his eyes from where he was now frowning at our fingers. His blue eyes shimmered with a dark emotion.

“What has you so upset?”

He shrugged and chewed his lip some more, gaze darting back toward the window. “It’s not a big deal.”

“Tell me anyway.”

He let out a heavy sigh, his shoulder slumping. “I haven’t told her. About the diagnosis.”

“Do you want her to know?”

He shook his head.

“But you think you should tell her?”

Another big sigh. “There’s nothing she can do about it. Why make her suffer for a longer time? If things go the way I plan, then she’ll never need to know until I’m gone.”


“I don’t want to hurt her.”

“You need her support, though.”

Sharply, his gaze swiveled back to me. “How? Financial? She’s broke.”


“At what price? Her peace of mind? Her happiness?”

“How about at the cost of your own? You need your mother right now.”
