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After I was sure Minty was asleep, I got up to do some cleaning. I checked the horse and found he hadn’t spunked on the new braided rug after all, but there was still some mess to deal with. I handled it all, folded our clothes, and then walked around the room, taking in all the changes, big and small, that Minty had made.

It was different, that was for sure.

I’d set up the dungeon with Jerome’s old tools without a lot of thought outside of making a boy sweat and suffer. In the past, I’d always sought sadistic sexual relationships that didn’t involve my heart. The sex I’d had with those boys was fun, intense, and sometimes very intimate, but love had never tainted the experience.

Now, after our scene, I felt sure that love had nottaintedthe experience, but it had definitely changed it for me. I felt entirely different to slapping Minty now than I had when we’d started. Backthen, it’d felt clinical to hit him. Prescriptive even. Sexy, but emotionally disengaged.

Now I felt so muchmorewith even the smallest strikes. Building up to the whip had been an exercise in mental and emotional gymnastics. My desire to never see Minty hurting again had warred with the sweet joy of having himbegme for what Iknewhe’d allow only me to ever give him from now on. A way out of his head, a way to bliss through pain, and a shuddering, screaming orgasm.

The emotional tumult I’d felt during the scene had added to the intensity for me as well. The urgency with which I’d fucked him had left my legs shaking so hard that I’d barely had the strength to carry him to the bed. It’d been a terrifying rush. The scene was something he’d wanted and needed, and he’d trusted me to know how to give it to him without destroying him again. I was grateful to find his trust hadn’t been misplaced because, even in the moment, I hadn’t been sure.

My relief when the scene had left him happy, giddy, laughing, and breaking open with light had almost brought me to tears. We’d both changed since we’d started this journey together. It made sense that the dungeon would need to change too.

I smiled as I considered the sweetness of Minty using his Christmas gift card money on all of this. Returning to the bed, I straightened the soft new blanket over his body. I gazed around the room at the lights, the rugs, the voile draping, and tears came to my eyes. Minty was so honest with himself and with me.

He’d wanted this, but to have it, he’d known things had to change.

I wanted things to change even more. Speaking of…

I fetched the box from my coat pocket, having never found the right moment to give it to Minty at the club, and shoved it beneath the pillow. Heart thundering, I watched him sleep for another few minutes before I couldn’t stand to wait another moment.

“Baby,” I said, tapping his reddened cheek with my fingers. “Wake up.”

“Mmm?” He came to with a drowsy blink, and when he focused on me, and then on the room around us, he grinned. “Oh. Hi. Want to play again?”

I laughed. “So greedy.”

“Yes, I am. This hungry holeneedsyour cum,” he said, giggling, wriggling around under the covers. “Want to do it here? Or in our bedroom?”

Our bedroom.

Yes, I’d asked him to move in, and he had. I loved that this was our home now, and his embellishment of the dungeon only emphasized that fact.

“Let’s do it here,” I said, grabbing lube from the nightstand by the bed. “Spread your legs.”

Minty grinned, swanned back on the pillows, and did exactly as I asked, just as I’d known he would.

Shortly, I had him wet and open, and squirming on my cock with his legs thrown over my shoulders. As I screwed him slowly, lovingly, he tossed his head back in gratification, looking so beautiful and sweet.

My heart nearly burst with adoration. I loved him so much, and I was so damnunbearablyproud of him. “You’re fucking sexy, baby.”

“Thank you,” he whispered.

“I have a New Year’s present for you.”

His eyes lit with joy, and he shuddered, milking his ass around my cock. “Yesssss, give it to me. I want it.”

I grinned. “Not my load.”

Frowning now, he gazed up at me in confusion. I could see the green of the glow in the dark stars reflected in his eyes. “But I want it.”

“Don’t worry, you’re going to get that too. I meant this…” I slid my hand under the pillow and pulled out the box. Fully pushed inside him, buried to the base of my cock in his hot, sweet body, I flicked it open.

Glinting in the low light were two rings side by side, one silver and one gold band.

“What’s happening?” Minty panted. His pulse thudded quickly in his throat, and he squeezed around my cock. “Am I still dreaming?”

“No, this is very real. I know it’s not legal, but this—” I thrust in again, lodging deep. “Us.” I kissed his mouth and the tip of his nose. “I don’t want us to ever end. I want the honor of caring for you for the rest of your life, Minty Arnold. And in return, I’ll take anything you have to offer. Your darkest times, your sweetest, sunniest moods, your sweat and sex and cum. I want it all. I want you forever. Will you marry me? Here? Now?”
