Page 16 of Marked By the Alpha

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Whimpering, I licked my paw and panted through the throbs of pain shooting through me. I closed my eyes and drifted to sleep to give my body a slight break before trying to head to the pack healer.

Dreams of running with my alpha gave me peace as I rested. I even pictured him finding me here and helping me.

A large muzzle nuzzled mine, giving me tender licks before nudging my side.


I whimpered in pain and opened my eyes to see Simon standing over me. A small snarl curled on my lip and he growled back.

His enormous wolf’s form had buff fur similar to mine. Only his face had black around the eyes and maw. And I had been right. My alpha made him look small.

He walked around me and mounted me from behind, biting my neck to pull me up. When I whimpered again, louder this time, he stopped and shifted.

“What are you whining about now?” He growled.

I lifted my injured leg and tried to crawl away from his hands, touching me.

He slapped my face, making me yip. “Great. You broke your leg.”

I tried to crawl towards the cave’s opening, but he stood up and bent over, lifting me up like a baby. “I’m taking you to see Dusty.”

My chest heaved with a sigh, and he looked down at me. “I don’t know what’s gotten in to you, but maybe you shouldn’t have run away and jumped out the fucking window?”

A small growl rumbled out of me.

“Keep it up, queen.” An evil smile crossed his face. “After Dusty fixes up your broken bone, I’ll let you show me your thanks.”

Fear filled me, but I was determined to fight back. My lip lifted in a snarl, knowing he had me caught between a rock and a hard place. It took everything out of me to hobble to that cave.

I couldn’t run, so I gave in and rested my head against Simon’s chest. My nose crinkled up at his odor. He didn’t shower after the homecoming game and it made me want to wretch.

I missed the sweet smell of my mate, but Simon didn’t need to know that.

“In case you care, omega, we won the game.” He blathered on. “Iwon the game for us, since the golden boy was benched.”

Football wasn’t something I knew a lot about, and it doubly lost me for who the golden boy was. I knew assholes like Simon, Bradley, Edgar, and Del played it, and I didn’t need to know more than that.

“You can show your appreciation for my winning touchdown later, too.” He cackled. “You’ll need to shift so I can fuck that pretty little mouth of yours.”

My chest heaved another sigh, and I gave up fighting against him. Until my mate claimed me, I felt powerless.

When we arrived at the healer’s Dusty asked me to shift back to my human form and had me sit on the exam table.

He said nothing about the bruises all over my body, the cuts on my face or the fact that I smelled like piss.

Dusty wasn’t ruthless like the rest of the pack, but he remained complacent, knowing full well how the pack treated omegas. He remained quiet while he set the bone in my arm and put a cast on it.

“Shifters heal faster than non-shifters.” His soft voice spoke as he turned away from me. “But you’ll still have a healing period.”

He turned to Simon as he continued talking to me. “You’re going to need to stay in your human form while this heals. And rest. Once we remove the cast, you can shift again.”

I knew he meant well saying that to Simon, but it wouldn’t matter to him.

“Do you need anything for pain?”

“Pfft.” I half chuckled and nodded.

He prepared a small bottle and handed it to Simon, not me. “He needs to rest, so take him home and let him rest.”
