Page 34 of Marked By the Alpha

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Still snarling, I tucked myself back into my pants and went to retrieve my shirt. “Shit.” I held up the tattered material.

Laughter filled the room as both Julius and Nolan laughed.

Desire still pumped through my veins, but my common sense made a comeback. “Good thing I carry a spare.”

“Ashton and Logan will be here to make sure he’s safe and then take him to his last class.” Julius leaned against the doorway. “We’re family. We protect our own. You know that.”

I nodded and looked over at my mate again.

“Oh, no!” Julius stepped into the room and walked behind me, shoving me towards the door. “Go get a shirt on. We’ve got a class to get to.”

“You good in here, Nolan?” Another low growl came from my chest, and Julius slapped my ass. “Keep moving, alpha.”

“I’m good, Julius.” Nolan’s soft voice made me purr.

“You’re killing me!” Julius gave me a hard shove. “Shirt. Now.”

Nolan let loose a giggle that relaxed me, and I finally complied with my friend. I grabbed my backpack and retrieved my spare tee and let Julius herd me from the locker room.

“Look man, I’ll make sure he’s brought to your home after classes, but you gotta calm down or you’re gonna tear him up.”

“He’s mine.” I growled, walking beside him.

“Ain’t no one questioning that.” He gave me a side glare and then joked. “On track mind, I tell ya’.”


I sped through a shower, got dressed, and joined my dance class. I hated comparing Sebastian to Simon, but he kept surprising me!

Simon never asked my opinion or gave me a choice. He never made me feel desired. He forced and demanded me to do things.

And now here I have another alpha in my life who makes my heart race, gives me butterflies when he’s near and asks what I want.

I have to be dreaming.

“Nolan!” Miss Gold pounded her walking stick on the floor. “Pay attention!”

“Yes, ma’am.” I called out and refocused myself.

I’ll dream more after class.

For the rest of my dance class, I felt like I floated on air. I blended in with the other dancers and even showed up the best dancer, Maeve. She wasn’t happy when the teacher praised me, but I didn’t care.

As we walked from the room, she moved to my side and sniffed. “Poor little omega has one good day. Don’t get too cocky, bitch. You’ll never land a lead place with your ugly scarred face.”

And just like that, I felt deflated.

I kept my head held high until the locker room door closed and then I went to the sinks and looked into the mirror.

The place where Simon hit me, cutting my face, wasn’t healing like other cuts. The edges were jagged and curled in, remaining open.

How can Sebastian handle looking at me?

Tears filled my eyes as I turned from the mirror and undressed. I didn’t feel like showering or going to my last class. My feet slowly carried me to my locker, and I crumpled to the floor in tears.

I felt broken. No matter where I looked on my body, I saw a bruise or a cut. My face wasn’t healing, my joints ached. This isn’t how I wanted to live my life.

Voices filled the locker room as people for the next class entered. I recognized the voice of another of my tormentors. Jonah Evans, from the Everclaw pride. He and Simon had a weird friendship.
