Page 39 of Marked By the Alpha

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“Didn’t learn your lesson?” I whispered into Simon’s ear and felt him stiffen.

Nolan pulled his mouth off Simon’s dick and scrambled back onto the bed.

My hand fisted Simon’s hair and pulled his head back. “Maybe you need a better lesson?”

I yanked him backward and shoved him to the floor, climbing onto his chest, my knees pinning his arms down.

“You cocksucker.” He snarled. “Get off me.”

“Make me.” I smiled and pushed my soft dick to his lips. “Maybe you need a taste of your own medicine?”

He pressed his lips together and twisted his head, trying to avoid my dick.

“C’mon, Simon, how good do you suck dick?” I laughed. “Curious minds and all.”

He lay his head to the side, muttering from tightly closed lips. “Fuck you.”

“Oh?” I wiggled my hips. “Is that an offer?”

He rolled his head up and nipped at my tip. I shook my head and clamped my free hand around his throat.

“I don’t hear a no.” My grip tightened. “Nolan, are you okay?”

“No.” He sniffled.

“Can you make it home?” I kept my eyes on Simon’s.

He gasped for air. “I don’t think so.”

I nodded and got up from Simon. “We’re not finished, yet.” Turning to Nolan, I scanned his body and saw new bruises and blood covered his body. “Is all that your blood?”

He shook his head, and Simon landed a punch to my kidney. I held up a finger to Nolan and spun on the balls of my feet, gut punching Simon, knocking the breath out of him.

“Let’s dance, motherfucker.” I held my hands up to block my body and moved around my opponent.

“You can’t just steal my omega.” He growled and tried to punch my side.

“I’m. Not. Yours!” Nolan screamed.

“He’s not property!” I growled with Nolan’s scream before I lifted my leg and kicked the gash on his leg.

Simon dropped to his knees, and I stepped up, grabbing his hair in my fist again. “Open wide.” I kicked the spot again and when he opened his mouth to scream, I shoved my cock into his mouth. “If you bite me, I’ll whip your ass so hard they’ll need your dental records to identify you.”

He tried to speak around my meat, and I chuckled at the muffled sound.

“Nolan, give him the directions.”

“M-me?” His voice shook.

I moved backwards and pulled Simon with me, forcing him to crawl on his knees. Once my legs his the bed, I sat down and used my free hand to reach for Nolan. “Yeah, baby.”

Nolan crawled closer to me, then I felt him on his knees behind my back, leaning against me.

“Open wide, s-s-s-lut.” He trembled against my body.

“You heard him.” I growled and felt his tongue lick the underside of my shaft. “There ya’ go.”

“Suck that dick, bitch!” Nolan’s voice sounded stronger.
