Page 88 of Marked By the Alpha

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“It would be in his best interest to be strapped down.” The doctor’s low voice gave me chills.

Myra and Simon strapped me back down, and I heard some clanging and shuffling. I heard the snapping of gloves and felt large hands pushing against my face, then fingers forced their way into my mouth, feeling my teeth and tongue.

“How old is the specimen?” He murmured as his hands moved to my neck, leaving a trail of saliva.

“Eighteen.” Simon answered and I couldn’t move my head towards the sound.

“Very good.” The doctor continued pushing my body, pinching my nipples, and feeling down my sides and then in towards my abdomen.

“Ouch.” I whimpered and sniffled.

“Hm.” The doctor felt around the cage. “Unlock this now.”

“Of course, Doctor Frangulin.” Myra giggled like a schoolgirl, and I felt her hands fumbling around my cock as she unlocked it and removed it. “Do you want the sounding rod out as well?”

“Yes, let me get my collection cup.”

Gloved hands held my penis and slowly removed the sounding rod. I had no control over my bladder as I heard fluid splashing into a container.

When the sound of my peeing stopped, I felt him pull and tug on my penis and then my tiny testes.

“These are the right size for an omega. The tissue feels healthy.”

“Isn’t that wonderful, Simon?” Myra gushed.

“Let’s remove this.” The doctor wiggled the plug before pulling it free. “Myra, did you shove this in place?”

She huffed. “He wasn’t being very nice, so my bedside manner may have gone out the window.”

“Hm,” the doctor responded, and I felt his finger enter my ass, probing around. “No permanent damage.”

“Let’s draw some blood.” I felt the doctor move around my body, pushing on my left arm. “You have a juicy vein right here, ripe for the tapping.”

I felt pressure and nothing more, followed by some humming and the sound of tape being pulled.

The room held an eerie silence as the doctor hummed to himself. I heard something tear and him counting.

“I thought you said he was going into his heat cycle?” His deep voice filled me with dread.

“He should be.” Simon responded. “Right, Nolan?”

“I think so.” My brain felt foggy, and I couldn’t remember how long I’ve been here.

“Well, one way to find out for sure.”

“What’s going on doc?” Simon stood close enough I felt him touch me.

Something cold landed on my lower abdomen. “No more water!” I cried out, frustrated I couldn’t move.

“Sh.” Simon scolded me at the same time the doctor spoke.

“Calm down. It’s gel for the ultrasound.” The doctor grumbled at me. “Let’s see how everything looks inside.”

I felt pressure as he pushed the transducer around, spreading the gel. “That looks good, that looks normal… aha!” He proclaimed and pushed harder. “There it is.”

A fast heartbeat filled the room.

“What?” Simon gripped my arm.
