Page 11 of Twisted Truths

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Maybe I am a creeper?

When the bus stopped at my house, I walked up the aisle and down the stairs, running up the driveway.

No one home.

I heaved a sigh of relief and ran into the garage, dropping off my backpack and hopping on my bike.

The freedom I felt riding my bike was epic. No fighting parents. No bitchy mom. And no drunk dad.

I swiped a tear off my face and shook my head to push the memories out of my mind. I missed my dad. He was my best friend.Was.Until the booze took over.

I sped down the road, pedaling harder as I approached the park. Once there, I could enter the woods and find the trail leading to the enormous oak tree.

Usually we avoided this area and hung out at the treehouse, but today my friends had other plans. I really wanted to go bythe treehouse to see if Miranda was there, but I didn’t want them knowing I liked her.

The guys wouldn’t care, it was the girls who would. And knowing Victoria liked me, I knew she’d make Miranda’s life hell.

Like I’m a piece of property for her to stake her claim on.

Dust kicked up as my wheels moved from the parking lot of gravel to the dirt. As I neared the meeting place, I saw Ethan and Dexter coming in from the other side.

Off to the left, I saw the girls walking towards the tree. When they noticed us, they ran to get on the tire swing and wait.

“We should play truth or dare!” Grace bounced.

Rolling my eyes, I turned to Ethan. “Told you.”

The problem with playing that was eventually, it always ended up becoming a make-out fest.

“Well?” Victoria came over to me. “You gonna get off your bike and play with me?”

“Don’t you mean us?” Lori glared at Victoria. “You’re not dating him. He’s free game.”

Victoria whipped her head around to glare at her friend. “I misspoke. We’ll all play together.”

I swung my leg around as I dismounted and parked my bike by one of the smaller trees, and then I climbed onto the tire swing. After the guys dismounted, Dexter sat opposite of me and we swung around.

“I’ll start.” Victoria clapped her hands. “Hey, Gracie, I dare you to swing out over the lake and not fall.”

Grace looked down at her white shirt and lifted her lip in a scowl. “It’s a new shirt.”

“That’s the best you got?” Dexter asked, laughing. “Swing out.” He mimicked.

Grace pouted. “You could take the dare for me.”

Damn, she’s playing him!

Dexter vacated the tire swing and watched him move around the tree and take a running start. He grabbed onto the rope and swung out. Just as he did, Grace flashed him, causing him to fall into the water and everyone to burst into laughter.

“What a shithead.” Ethan laughed harder, bending over with his hands on his knees.

I couldn’t help laughing at my friend. He should’ve known the girls had something up their sleeves.

“Whooooo!” A high-pitched voice broke into our laughter as Tara came flying over the hill, skidding to a stop in front of us. “Shit. What are you jerks doing here?”

“Hanging out, sped.” Dexter came out of the water and shook off. “What’s it look like?”

Her lip lifted in a snarl as she growled. “Great.”
