Page 26 of Twisted Truths

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Edith and Elena walked up with scrunched noses.

“Someone peed in your locker?” Edith shook. “Please tell me you’re joking.”

“No, Edie, if I was joking I would’ve said big red truck.” I felt the snarl on my face.


“Ew, is right.”

The four of us walked down the hall towards the gym. I thought I heard my name, and turned to see who was calling me, when I tripped over a foot and went sprawling on the hallway floor.

“Ya oughta’ be more careful than that, Holly Hobbie.”

Asshole. I can’t wait for him to graduate this year.

When we hit the freshman building, it was still peaceful because the arrogant jerks were upper classmen, but now we’re all in the same building.

“Screw you, Walsh.” I growled and got up from the floor.

“You wish.” Victoria called after me.

“Don’t worry, Victoria! Your place as school slut is secure!” I raised my hand in a one-finger salute, smiling as I caught up with my friends.

We chattered amongst ourselves as we made our way to the gym. The halls were decked out for senior week, and most of the school was excited about it.

I wasn’t one of them.

All I wanted was to get through this hell they call high school and get to college. Our school had a transition program where you could get a jumpstart on college courses and I couldn’t wait.

After seeing my grandma drop and not knowing what was wrong, I knew I wanted to work in a health field.

Even now, what if thoughts haunted me.

What if I knew CPR? Could that have saved her?

As we entered the locker room, we went around the main grouping of lockers and went to our little corner to change.

I flipped my shirt off and hung it up. “This day can suck my left nut.”

“Have you seen the guys?” Lindsey pulled her tee shirt on and slammed her gym locker shut. “Like, they were all cute before summer, but now? Holy hot damn!”

I sighed and closed my locker before sitting on the bench. “And every last one of them is a prick.”

“Not all.” Lindsey laughed. “What do you think, Viv?”

“I think I agree with Miranda.” She laughed and put her foot up to tie her laces. “Ethan is the worst of the lot.”

“Try again.” I scowled. “Henry laughed when he tripped me this morning.”

“Why?” She scrunched her face up. “Want me to flick some chocolate shake on the back of his head at lunch?”

“Ladies!” Coach Wilkes yelled from the doorway. “Let’s get a groove going!”

“Coming, Coach!” Vivian yelled back as we finished getting ready.

One by one, we all left the locker room and lined up for roll-call and warm-ups. Then coach led us out to the field.

Henry jogged up beside me. “Hey, Holly?”
