Page 80 of Twisted Truths

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No one had to tell us that Vivian’s daughter Frankie was Ethan’s. One look at her eyes told you everything. I felt bad for my friend.

I couldn’t imagine having a child out there that I didn’t know about.

After we finished up for the day, I got into my SUV and went to pick Dillon up from daycare. My boy played happily with the other kids and when he saw me, he came running.

Gathering his things, we went home, and he wanted to play outside.

I opened the door and let him run. If he got all his ya-ya’s out now, it would be easier to bathe him before bed.

Kicked back in the chair on the patio, my phone vibrated on the table, and I reached over to see who it was.


dude Ethan is here on a warpath




Viv had HIS kid

Annnnnnd there it is.


I’ll call him


Thanks manI think he needs someone to understand

I watched my toddler run around our backyard chasing his soccer ball. Dillon tried hard to talk, and some of his words made sense. Others left me in left field trying to figure out what he wanted.

Tapping a few times on the screen, I gave Ethan a call and told him to come over. I knew there wasn’t a way to make sense of the news he got hit with over the phone.

I hoped that seeing Dillon might help him realize Frankie wasn’t a toy; she was a living, breathing person and it wasn’t her fault that he didn’t know about her.

Leaving my phone on the small table, I got up and ran after my son, making him screech. Bending down I scooped him up and swung him up in the air to hear his giggles. Then I pulled him close to me.

“Genn.” He nodded.

“You want me to make you fly again?”

His head bobbed, and I tossed him in the air, loving his scream of delight as I caught him.


I set him down and watched him waddle off. His equilibrium seemed out of whack, making him walk like a drunk sailor.


“Come on back, Ethan.”

The gate opened and my friend came in with a scowl on his face that faded as he watched my son running in circles until he fell down in laughter. Then, in true toddler fashion, he got up and did it again.

His eyes took in my backyard filled with toys, a swing set, and a sandbox.
