Page 27 of Eat Your Heart Out

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“What’s up, man?” the kid says as he approaches me. “You two ready for another round?”

“No, actually, I’d like to pay for these two drinks.” I set my empty beer bottle beside Sophie’s martini glass, then pull my wallet from my back pocket.

“All good, bro; Lisa already covered it.”

I frown. “Lisa?”

Sophie slides back into place beside me, closer now that more patrons have moved in to fill the place she’d left in her absence. The warmth of her body creeps through the fabric of my flannel shirt and I find myself reaching for her again, sliding an arm around her waist and pulling her against me.

She looks up at me, eyes wide but not alarmed, and smiles. “I guess Lisa took care of the tab already. You know, my friend who always forces me to leave work and go out?”

I nod, transfixed by those deep brown eyes as they hold mine so unwavering. She brings the martini glass to her lips and tips her head back to finish the rest of her drink; I focus on the slope of her throat as she swallows.

Again, transfixed.

City of angels indeed.

And maybe a goddess or two, judging by the one in my arms.

“Ready?” My throat is tight, but as the crowd grows the music gets louder, so I pray she can’t hear the strain in my voice over the noise.

She nods as she turns toward me, and when the dude behind her steps backwards, pressing her against my body, it’s clear by the press of her groin against my cock how perfectly we line up. Her lips part on a gasp, then she bites down on the bottom one and lifts her gaze to meet mine.

The heat in those eyes could set the world on fire and I’d happily watch it burn.

I tuck my first knuckle beneath her chin and trail my thumb over that moist bottom lip. “We should get going.”

She nods, but when my thumb tugs gently at her lip, her eyes flutter closed, and it’s all I can do not to claim that pretty mouth right here and now.

We need to take this back to the hotel room before I find myself fucking her against the wall of the building, so I release her chin and settle my hand at the base of her spine, then guide her through the crowd to the door.

Once outside, I scan the street for taxis, but when I don’t see any for the first few moments, I pull my phone out and open up the rideshare app. Calling the driver Mikey ‘loaned’ me—to, as Mikey put it, use at my disposal—would be too flashy. Sophie would be curious, no doubt, and curiosity would lead to questions.

Questions I can’t—and probably shouldn’t—answer. Regardless of what Mikey said, I’m not even on the show yet, let alone at a place to divulge the way my life is about to take an exciting turn. Plus, there will probably be an ironclad NDA if I do make it into the top thirteen contestants tomorrow, so, better to just keep my mouth shut.

Or, busy, at the very least, doing things to this woman’s body that don’t involve words.

Silence hangs between us like a heavy fog, but I don’t feel the need to fill the empty air and I appreciate the fact that she doesn’t either. Most people would feel desperate to fill the silence, rambling nervously about the weather or the city… whatever… and yet, Sophie stands here confidently beside me, giving me the occasional side-eye that sends a fresh rush of blood to my cock, but otherwise content to stand at my side in amicable silence.

I can’t stop touching her even as we wait for the car. Can’t bring myself to look away from her either. From the quirk of her brow to the slope of her prominent nose, the fullness of her lips, I’m enthralled.

Her mouth quirks up to one side, then she drags her teeth over her bottom lip and turns to look up at me, catching me staring blatantly—even though she was likely already quite aware.

A car pulls up to the curb and my phone dings with an alert. After checking that the license plate matches with the one provided to me within the app, I motion to the sedan. “After you.”

As Sophie steps forward, I take a moment to appreciate her round, full ass.

She glances over her shoulder, smirking when she again catches me staring. “Coming?”

I lick my lips slowly and step beside her to open the door. “Like I said…” Holding her gaze pointedly, I lower my head to bring my lips to her ear, brushing them against her soft flesh as I whisper, “After you.”

She shivers and I bite back a smug grin. When I straighten to look into her eyes again, hers are wide and she twists her lips like she’s trying to bite back a grin at that promise, but she climbs into the car and I slide in beside her.

The driver makes small talk for a moment, but is remarkably perceptive and his attempts at conversation soon die down. When I turn toward Sophie, the look in her eyes grabs me by the dick and holds on tight.

The air is thick with desire; needs and wants that will soon be met linger between us. Even with music on in the car, I can’t distract myself from the beauty that sits beside me. She’s striking, really, and every time her eyes meet mine, the lead weight in my pants responds, and dealing with an erection in my Levis is a sight less painful than torture.

The drive back to my hotel is a short fifteen miles that takes a horrendously long forty minutes, giving me a front row seat to the famous Los Angeles traffic I’ve heard so much about. By the time the driver pulls to a stop at the front entrance, the sun is long gone and my self-control isn’t far behind.
