Page 48 of Eat Your Heart Out

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Exhausted and sated, I collapsed onto the bed, rolling so that Tess lay sprawled across my chest. With our bodies still intimately connected, the first level of the mate bond had formed.

"Rest, my mate," I murmured, pressing a tender kiss to her sweat-dampened hair. Once again, she was flushed. A bad feeling settled in the pit of my stomach.

"Forever," Tess whispered, her eyes fluttering closed as she drifted off to sleep, safe and secure in my arms. And as I lay there, holding the woman who had stolen my heart, I knew that we would face whatever challenges awaited us together.

A knock shattered our bliss. Forever would have to wait a bit longer.

Chapter Six

Damn it, not now. My jaw tightened, frustration simmering beneath my skin. I tried to ignore the summons and get lost in Tess's touch, in the sensation of her body against mine, but the insistent knock echoed through the room.

"Who is it?" I growled, hating to interrupt this perfect moment.

"Kael," came the muffled voice from behind the door. "We need to talk, Hadrian."

I sighed and reluctantly pulled away from Tess. "Give me a minute," I called out. Turning back to her, I pressed a gentle kiss to her forehead. "I'm sorry. I have to deal with this."

Tess gazed up at me from heavy lids. "It's okay," she murmured, her lips curving into a tender smile.

Carefully, I settled Tess onto the bed, making sure she was covered by the plush blankets so Kael wouldn't see her naked form when I opened the door. I couldn't help but linger for a moment, admiring the way her curves dipped and swelled beneath the soft fabric. She was breathtaking, a stunning masterpiece brought to life by the hands of fate.

"Alright," I said, tearing my gaze from her. "Stay here, and I'll be back as soon as I can." I gave her one last lingering kiss before heading to the door, my resolve hardening with each step.

"Let's make this quick, Kael," I muttered under my breath as I opened the door. Before I could even step through, Kael barged in, his eyes wide with urgency. He halted as his gaze darted between Tess, wrapped in the blankets, and me, standing defensively in front of her.

"Damn, Hadrian! I didn't mean to interrupt..." he stammered, rubbing the back of his neck, sheepishness laced through his deep voice. "I'm sorry."

"Then you should have waited for me to come out before barging into someone's room," I growled, irritation flaring within me. But I knew Kael, and if he'd interrupted something like this, there had to be a good reason.

"Look," Kael began, his apologetic demeanor shifting into determination. "We'll catch up on everything that happened when you disappeared later. Right now, we've got an interesting encrypted message that needs your attention."

"Encrypted?" I glanced back at Tess. My heart clenched, not wanting to leave her side so soon after claiming her. "Fine, but make it quick," I snapped at Kael, turning my full attention back to him.

"Trust me, you're gonna want to see this," he insisted, the tension in his voice tugging at my curiosity.

"Ten minutes, Kael," I demanded, my voice firm as I held his gaze. "We'll be out in ten minutes."

Kael huffed, his impatience clear, but he nodded and stepped back out of the room, pulling the door closed behind him. The urgency in his voice worried me, but I needed to see to Tess first. She'd been through enough already, and I hadn't had time to explain yet. As soon as we were done with Kael about this message, I'd explain everything.

"Sorry about that," I murmured, turning to face her. The blankets still clung to her body, hiding her from prying eyes. But those eyes, those beautiful eyes, met mine with a trust that both humbled and excited me. Every time she looked at me, it felt as if she saw into my soul.

"Is everything okay?" she asked, her voice revealing her hesitancy.

"Nothing we can't handle," I assured her, moving closer to the bed. "But we need to get dressed." My hand brushed against her cheek, feeling the warmth of her flushed skin.

"Okay," she agreed, lingering for a moment before peeling the blankets away from her body. As much as I wanted to admire her nakedness, time was not on our side.

"Here," I said, grabbing a clean shirt from my bag and helping her slip it over her head. I couldn't help but press soft kisses to her exposed neck and shoulders as I helped her, savoring every inch of her. Tess shivered beneath my touch, and her breathing hitched with each kiss.

"You're... intoxicating," I whispered against her collarbone, my hands sliding down her sides to help her step into her pants from last night. The fabric hugged her curves as I pulled them up, my fingertips tracing the path of her hips and thighs.

"Are you sure we have time for this?" she teased, her cheeks flushed with desire even as she tried to maintain an air of casualness.

"Trust me, I wish we had all the time in the world," I replied, my voice low and husky. "But for now, let's focus on getting dressed."

"Alright," she agreed, her breath catching as I continued to press feather-light kisses across her body. As much as it pained me to pull away from her, I knew a greater challenge lay ahead of us. "This feels different."

"Tess, you're my Tsigo… my fated mate. I can feel it in the very core of my being. From the moment I saw you, I knew there was something special about you, something that drew me to you like a moth to a flame. And now, being here with you in this moment, there's no denying it. That's what you're feeling."
