Page 53 of Eat Your Heart Out

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"Come for me, Tess," I demanded, my voice raw with desire. And she did, her body convulsing around me, her cries of pleasure echoing through the steam-filled air.

"Take it all!" urged Tess as her climax hit her like a wave. I let myself go, releasing into her with a roar that shook the very foundations of my soul.

As we reached our peak together, I felt something deep within us shift, the second layer of our mating bond forming and binding us even closer. The last thing I wanted to do was leave her behind to meet someone who might be our enemy.

Chapter Nine

I was a complete idiot. I knew Tess belonged at the safety of the compound, but when the time came to leave, my heart twisted in a knot. She was my Tsigo, and leaving her behind felt like tearing my soul apart.

"Wait!" Tess shouted as I prepared to depart, her eyes wide with determination. "You're not going anywhere without me."

"Dammit, Tess," I growled. "We agreed—"

"Change of plans." The stubborn glint in her eyes told me that arguing would be pointless. Frustration seethed under my skin, but I couldn't deny the surge of relief that coursed through me knowing she'd be close.

Sighing, I acquiesced. Together, we met Kael at the designated meeting spot, tension humming between us like a taut wire. A delicate snowfall dusted our shoulders, dampening the air with its icy chill.

"Are you sure about this?" Kael asked, his gaze flickering between Tess and me. His voice held a note of concern, but he knew better than to question the bond between mates.

"Positive," Tess answered for me, her resolve unwavering. Her breath formed tiny clouds in the cold night, dissipating as quickly as they appeared.

"Alright then." Kael nodded, accepting our decision. He glanced around the area, watchful and alert. "Let's do this."

As we waited, an uneasy silence enveloped us. I could feel Tess shivering beside me, and my protective instincts screamed at me to warm her up. But I knew she wouldn't appreciate me coddling her right now.

"Night falls with the fading sun," a deep voice called out from the shadows.

Kael's eyes locked onto the figure emerging from the darkness. "The moon rises to take its place," he replied, his voice steady as he repeated the second line of the encrypted message.

"Good." The shifter stepped into the dim light, revealing a tall man with dark hair and piercing eyes. He extended his hand to Kael. "I'm Felix."

"Kael," my friend responded cautiously, shaking Felix's hand. "This is Hadrian and Tess."

"Nice to meet you all," Felix said, inclining his head slightly. "I'm not cursed, but I've been working closely with a group of shifters who are."

"Really?" My interest piqued, I exchanged a glance with Tess, who seemed equally intrigued.

"Where are they?" Kael asked, his tone cautious but hopeful.

"Follow me." Felix beckoned for us to follow him as he led us through the snow toward a winter park resort nestled among the frosted trees. The atmosphere was charged with electricity, anticipation building with every step we took.

We entered the cozy lobby, the warmth instantly chasing away the chill that had settled in our bones. Felix guided us to a private room where he introduced us to Dusty, Rory, and Bryce. Their expressions were guarded, yet curious.

"Everyone," Felix began, gesturing to us. "This is Hadrian, Tess, and Kael."

"Welcome," Dusty said, his voice soft but strong.

"Thank you," I replied, my gaze drifting across the trio of cursed shifters. I could tell they'd seen their share of hardships, but there was a fire in their eyes that told me they were survivors.

"Let's get straight to it," Kael said, wasting no time as we all took seats around the small table in the center of the room. "We need to figure out what's going on with these witches and how we can put an end to this curse."

"Agreed," Dusty nodded, his eyes flickering between us. "From what we've gathered, it seems like there's some sort of initiation ritual for witches who want to join a coven. They have to curse a shifter."

"Sounds about right," Rory murmured, his brow furrowed in thought. "Some of them seem really excited about it, while others are more reluctant."

"Which means," I added, feeling a surge of anger at the thought of innocent shifters being cursed against their will, "we need to find a way to stop them. For good."

"Exactly," Bryce chimed in, his voice firm. "But first, we need to work together. Strength in numbers, right?"
