Page 6 of Eat Your Heart Out

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I looked at him, squinting to get rid of some of the blurriness. He was all a woman could ever dream of. An angular, rugged face with a thick beard that I wanted to brush my fingers through. His hair fell down to his broad shoulders, while his arms looked like they could easily lift me. His shirt sat tightly against his muscles. He could have passed for human, albeit a very large one, if his skin hadn't been the colour of granite. The legends had got that right.

Ben's question echoed through my mind. My cheeks were burning with embarrassment, but I forced myself to look him in the eyes. "What if that's not enough?"

"We would never force you," Mac said, stepping into my field of vision. He took the bottle and drained the last remaining traces of whisky. He twisted the bottle in his hands, rubbing the opening. I wouldn't have been surprised by a jinn suddenly erupting from it. By now, my mind was open to all possibilities, no matter how outlandish.

"This is how I felt," he muttered, gaze still on the bottle. "Empty. Drained. Until I saw you." He looked up, grey eyes finding mine. "We don't know you. We have only just met. I don't know when you were born, I don't know what you dream of, what you like to eat, what you do for pleasure, which gods you pray to. But I know that I want you. I desire you, Claire MacDuff. Not because you are the one who could lift our curse. Because I feel a connection. And every part of me is hoping that you feel the same."

He knelt by my side and took one of my hands in his. With a small smile, his brother did the same thing on my other side. One warm, one cold. One cursed to haunt, one cursed to save. Two tormented men with centuries of pain shimmering in their beautiful eyes.

I didn't know what to say.

Outside, the sun was rising. Once it reached its zenith, it was the winter solstice, the shortest day of the year. From now on, the days would get longer again. Unnoticeable at first, but in a month or two, it would feel like winter was finally waning. I always loved that time, when the first snowdrops blossomed and life seemed full of possibilities. Six months of a little bit more light every day. Until the summer solstice turned the tables. I imagined myself half a year from now, looking back at this very moment. Would I regret it if I left? Would I regret it if I tried to save them?

For a moment, I closed my eyes, listening to my future self. And then I made my decision.

Chapter Four

"I want you. Both of you."

The words echoed through the cave before they were swallowed by the darkness that the fire did not reach.

I barely recognised myself. I wasn't someone who usually hooked up with strangers. But this moment felt important. I didn't have a choice. And besides... I hadn't lied. I wanted them. Desired them. I didn't want to admit it to myself, but I'd been horny ever since I'd realised I was only in my underwear.

"Are you sure?" Ben asked slowly, as if he couldn't quite believe this was really happening. I imagined that after waiting five hundred years for this moment, they had probably given up all hope. Now this had to work. If it didn't... well, we'd cross that bridge once we got to it. I was a trained mountain rescue volunteer. I was good at crossing crevasses.

I smiled at him. "I've never been more sure of anything. Do we have to wait until the sun is at its highest, or do we start now?"

Mac cupped my face and made me turn towards him. "We start now."

His lips crushed into mine, taking my breath away. He tasted of whisky and something older, deeper. I opened myself to his kiss, letting his tongue slip past my lips, while Ben pushed the blanket off my shoulders, exposing me to the cool air in the cavern. His hands settled on my shoulders, then slid down, exploring my body, caressing every inch of my skin. I could barely concentrate on what he was doing; there were too many sensations. His brother kissing me like he was drowning. Ben's lips on the nape of my neck. Mac's hands on my waist, pulling me closer. Everything became a maelstrom of kisses, touches, moans.

I barely knew what was happening. One moment I was sitting on the cave floor, the next I was standing, sandwiched between the two men, no, Guardians, their hard bodies pressed against me, one hot, one cold. I was swirled around, then Ben was kissing me like there was no tomorrow. And maybe there wasn't. I didn't care any more. All I wanted was them.

Mac slid my panties down. With other men, in the past, I'd been self-conscious, embarrassed even when we got naked for the first time. But not with these two. It felt right. I clawed at Ben's shirt, needing to feel his bare skin against mine. He helped me, ripping off his shirt while his lips never left mine. I was breathless, hot, my head spinning, my core throbbing with need.

His erection was hard against my belly. I fumbled with the button of his old-fashioned trousers, failed, but he helped, freeing himself. His cock was huge in my hands and for a moment, I worried that I may not be able to take these oversized men.

I heard clothes rustling behind me. I hoped that meant Mac was undressing. His hands found my buttocks, massaging my cheeks, before pushing one finger into my wetness. I moaned against Ben's kiss and he took that as a sign to reach between us. He found my clit, rubbed it in slow, drawn-out circles that only made me moan even more.

"You are so beautiful," Mac whispered hoarsely. "Are you ready?"

I could only nod in response. Ben swiped his tongue against my bottom lip as if to say goodbye, then spun me around so I was facing his brother. I felt his erection against my back, as hard as the mountain. I was dripping wet, ready to take them. Would they both want to claim me at the same time? I'd never done that before, had never been with two men at once.

Mac lined up at my entrance and pushed. He pushed deep inside me, filling me up until I thought I'd burst with pleasure. I gasped, then relaxed into his slow, steady thrusts. His hands settled on my hips and he used them to guide me against him, rocking against each other in perfect harmony. Ben stepped closer and his hands joined Mac's on my hips, pushing us even closer together.

It was perfect. I couldn't think, couldn't do anything but feel. I closed my eyes and gave in to the sensations they were arousing in me.

"Open your eyes, Claire," Mac said. His voice sounded like the depths of the mountain itself. "I want you to see it, feel it. I want you to remember this." His rhythm was steady, his thrusts deep. Ben's hands were pulling me back against him, using my body to rub against his own erection.

I hadn't thought it was possible, but my need was growing, like a fierce fire that would consume me in flames.

I couldn't take it any longer. "I... I can't," I moaned. "I need you both. Please, please!"

Ben's hands on my hips went still and Mac stopped thrusting into me, which made me cry out in frustration.

"Anything you want," Ben whispered. He dipped his hand between us, drenching his fingers in my wetness before gently pressing one finger against my puckered hole. Fuck. They really were going to take me at the same time.

Ben moved his finger in slow, gentle circles, while Mac started to thrust into me again. I felt my orgasm approaching. It was going to be bigger than anything I'd ever experienced. And before I knew it, the climax hit me. I screamed as the waves of pleasure rippled through me. Mac let out a deep groan and Ben moved his finger a little more insistently, a little deeper, driving me into another orgasm that was even more powerful than the first, so powerful I couldn't even scream, only moan and buck my hips against them. They were holding me up, my legs too weak to stand on.
