Page 53 of The Resort

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“Cass,” Logan says, his hand tentatively touching my shoulder. “We should talk about this.”



A drop of blood sneaks through the crack in my lip, the coppery taste filling my mouth. Still, I keep my teeth clenched on to my lower lip. The pain has been a useful distraction from the growing cramps solidifying in my leg muscles. The one time I tried to move, my foot hit the side of the balcony, ringing out like a shot and piercing the quiet of the hills. The sound was enough to send Cass flying through the patio door.

I held my breath as the door sailed open, biting into my lip even farther as it ricocheted against my shin bone. I’d contorted myself into the small crevice on the side of the balcony, right behind the patio door, which shielded me from Cass’s view. If she had hung around a second longer or glanced slightly downward, she would have seen me, my feet visible in the few inches beneath the door. But she didn’t, and when she returned inside, she failed to pull the door completely shut behind her. It stays now where she left it, resting gently against its frame, the voices from inside the bedroom drifting out onto the balcony.

I’ve heard everything. Logan’s kiss with Jacinta and then Cassfinding a ring near Lucy’s body. A fact that even as she tried to get me to believe we were investigating Lucy’s death together, as a team, she failed to mention.

And of course, the Xanax.

“How could my ring have gotten there? Just sitting near her body like that?” Cass’s voice trickles through the door, weepy and weak. It’s clear all the fight she had moments ago has left her. “I couldn’t have done it,” she says.

“I know, love. I know.” Logan’s voice is low and reassuring. “We’ll fix this, whatever happened. But I need to ask you something important.” Logan’s voice grows soft, and I crane my ear toward the door to make out his question. “Do you really not remember anything about the Full Moon Party? Nothing at all?”

She’s silent for a moment. When she speaks, her voice is so quiet that I have to strain to hear her.

“Just flashes. I remember the fire twirlers and the music and…” She trails off.

“And something else?” Logan prompts.

She’s quiet, and I picture her shaking her head. “I should never have been so stupid to mix the Xanax with the drinks.”

Logan is quiet for a minute, and I picture him comforting her. “It’s okay. It’s okay.” He pauses. “But why did you need the Xanax? Is something going on that I don’t know about?”

She’s quiet for a long while. I want so badly to peer in the window, but I can’t risk it.

“No, it’s just stress,” she says finally. “Everything with the engagement and all that, I just felt a bit overwhelmed.” Logan must react silently in some way, because Cass jumps in again. “No, babe, it’s not like that. I’ve never been happier. It’s just…it’s a lot of change.”

After a moment, I hear Logan’s voice again, a soft, gentle murmur. “Cass, there’s something I need to tell you.”

I tighten my body, straining to hear every syllable of whatever confession Logan’s about to make.

“I lied to Brooke last night. When she asked about where we were the night of the Full Moon Party.”

My heart stops. Biting my lip is no longer cutting it. I claw my fingers into the palms of my hands, bracing myself for what else he has to say.

“Ididsee Lucy that night. I talked to her. Nothing flirtatious,” he rushes to add. “Just normal talk about how her stay was going and whether she liked the island. It’s just that…well…do you think you might have seen me talking to her?”

“I’m not sure,” Cass says meekly. “Maybe. Why?”

“Nothing, nothing, love,” Logan says, but he sounds distracted, as if he’s running through possibilities in his head.

Cass responds with a sob.

“It’s okay,” I hear him say again as Cass’s breathing becomes louder and more ragged. It sounds as if Logan’s trying to reassure himself as much as Cass.

I’m not expecting her to say any more, so I’m shocked when I hear her voice.

“Logan, I—I haven’t been myself lately.” She pauses, and I feel like my legs will snap from clenching them so hard. “I lost control earlier…” She trails off, and I wait for her to say more, but my anticipation is met only with muffled sobs, as if Cass is crying into her hands.

“Shh, love. Whatever happened here, we’ll sort it out,” Logan says in the same comforting tone.

They’re quiet for another moment, until Logan speaks again. “Look, I’m so sorry, but I have to go and open Frangipani. I would give anything in the world to stay here with you right now, but there’s no one to cover for me, and there’s a bar crawl tonight, so it’s bound to be busy.” He pauses for a moment, as if thinking. “Why don’t you come with me?”

“No,” I hear Cass say quietly. “You go. I’ll be fine here.”
