Page 102 of Bloody Tainted Lies

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“What is that supposed to mean, Camilla? Don’t do anything stupid.”

“I’ll do whatever it takes, Nik.” she cries out again, touching my face and making my eyes flutter closed. The pain in my chest is debilitating, and the promise of my death makes me feel weak, especially since I don’t want to be without her.

“Milla,” I open my eyes, “I want you to know I’m nothing without you. You’ve changed everything,me. You’ll always live in my ribcage, right next to my dead fucking heart.”

She sobs, “Then don’t leave me. I don’t want to live without you!”

“It’s not up to me anymore,” I affirm, knowing I’m right. Sooner or later, someone is going to come into this room and kill me. “I love you.”

“I love you more.”

Camilla’s lips crash against mine, kissing me like it’s the last time, because it might very well be. She doesn’t hold back, making me open for her and twirling her tongue against mine, tangling it with mine. I wish I wasn’t tied to this chair so I could kiss her properly and touch her one more time. However, this is better than nothing; beggars can’t be choosers. I groan when she pushes me back, the zip-ties digging in more, and she rears back. She comes around the chair behind me and gasps.

“You’re hurt, baby,” she shrieks, gingerly touching my arm until I hiss. “What can I do? What do I do?”

“You leave, princess.” I sigh, trying to ignore the throbbing of my wrists and arms. “Leave, and don’t torture yourself.”

“Torture myself? You’re soaked to the bone, bleeding, and with bruises on your neck. I don’t care about myself right now.”

“How long have I been here?” I ask, attempting to change the subject as she pulls away. My voice is hoarse with need. “I’ve missed you so much. I know Matteo said one day, but I don’t believe him.”

“One day, baby. He didn’t lie.” Tears well in her eyes. “But I promise not for much longer.”

“It’s okay, Camilla,” I reply truthfully. “No need to make empty promises. I’ve accepted my fate, and I can live with it. If I can’t have you, I have no reason to fight this.”

“The thing is, Nikolai…” I cringe a little at her saying my full name, missing my nickname already. She’s serious right now. “I won’t let you fucking die.”

“Then you better get to work,solnyshko, because the clock is ticking.”

And I hear it in my head, minute by minute, second by second.


18 Years Old

My birthday was a few days ago, except I haven’t felt like celebrating. My parents have stopped asking questions since about a month after it happened, after the breakup. I wouldn’t give them any information, and now they apparently think—thanks to Leo—that I’m going through a phase. And maybe I am. Only this phase is full of pain and heartache. Now I have to get ready to face Nik in college, which I obviously do not want to do.

There’s a knock at the door, a persistent one, and I sigh. “Come in!”

My little brother—Andrea—steps into my room with a look of concern on his face. “Cam.” He sighs as he steps onto the balcony with me. “What’s wrong with you? And don’t say it’s nothing. You know that shit doesn’t fool me.”

“Language, little brother.” I smirk, though I didn’t really curse at sixteen. Much. “I’m fine.”

“You know that’s a lie.” He sighs. “You can trust me. You know I won’t tell anyone. You’re my favorite sister, after all.”

That makes me chuckle. He always finds a way to make everything lighter. However, I do need to get this off my chest. I have to tell someone. Annie thinks the fling came to an end, no questions asked. She didn’t bother to ask for a reason. Everyone breaks up at seventeen, so it’s not much of a surprise. But what Nik and I had wasn’t a fling, and the pain won’t end a few months later. “Promise?” I ask.

“Cross my heart.” That’s what we always tell each other. We don’t have the kind of petty relationship where siblings tell on each other. In fact, we’ve always protected one another. It’s my favorite trait of his: loyalty. “But you know that already.”

“I like someone,” I tell him. “But I had to stop talking to him. Leo discovered us in the park six months ago. My friend wasn’t with me when Leo followed me, but when he showed up… it got ugly.”

“A friend?” He smiles, “Who is he?”

“Russian,” I blurt out and look at him.

His face shows his surprise. “Ah. So youarecrazy, after all. And here we all thought you were a saint there for a hot minute.”

“I saw him almost every day for years.” I smile. The best years of my life.
