Page 107 of Bloody Tainted Lies

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“Because you’re his father, and you have a seat at the Table,” I reply. “What my father is doing is illegal by the rules of the Elite.”

The crass laugh he lets out makes me flinch, the little hairs on my arms standing on end. “Oh, you don’t know, do you? He?—”

“Fucking hates you,” I finish. “But he’s still your son.”

“Not anymore,” he replies flatly. “He will inherit my empire one day, but that’s it. We’re nothing. He’s seen to that.”

“So you won’t help him not get killed?”

There’s a pause, and the silence is heavy. “No.”

I hang up, not bothering to say goodbye. I can’t believe this. His own father won’t help him, it’s no wonder he hates his guts. What a piece of shit. The sad part is that I thought there was a chance that a little piece of him would feel the need to protect his only child. But no. Man, was I ever wrong. Not only does henotcare, but he wants him dead.

Hemustwant him dead if he does nothing to help him.

Lying down, I sniffle into my pillow and contemplate my life choices. What can I do at this point?Isthere anything I can do? Was marrying him the right decision if this is what everything has come to? Why does it have to hurt so much to love someone? Although this is the last thing I want to do, I see no other choice. I have to get an annulment.

That’s the only way he will live.

I’ve been counting down the minutes between guard shifts for a few days now. It’s been challenging and often times I fuck it up, but I’m getting better at it. I have approximately one hour until the next guard shift, and I need to be ready to get out of here.

The walls are soundproof, and there’s not one camera in here; I’ve been paying attention. Now, outside this room might be a completely different story, and nothing is to my advantage. I don’t know what kind of place this is, where I am, how close to my territory I could be.

I’ve been building a name for myself behind my father’s back, wanting to usurp him, if you will. I don’t want to take his throne for myself, no, I want to havemyown empire. One that pushes his into the shadows. This is just the beginning, and although I don’t have enough businesses yet, I will as soon as I get out of here. I’m going to buy everyone out, not give them enough businesses to purchase after I’m done. My territory will be bigger than Oleg’s. Fuck, it’ll be more extensive than Matteo’s.

Once I’m done purchasing everything I have planned, I’ll make myself known again. I will go directly to Camilla’s father and demand he give her back. Damned the consequences. When he realizes I’m Pakhan, I will have a more significant advantage. Not only will I have the power, but my father’s men too. I’ve already been buying them out. First, for information, but many of them are loyal to me and do not want to continue with Oleg any longer. I’ve even found my right-hand man.

I’ll give Matteo two options which he won’t like. However, if he doesn’t accept, I won’t be sad when I keep his daughter from him. That is, if I don’t kill him first. But first things first: getting out of here.

My hands are tied behind my back with zip ties, and I need to break out of this chair to get out of them. There’s no way this is going to be pretty, but thankfully the chair is wooden. I haven’t attempted an escape yet because I had faith that Matteo and I could come to an agreement, but I was naive. There’s nothing I could give him without power that he will accept, which is ironic as I’ve already given him so much. My time, my dignity, and my sanity.

No more.

I’m done.

I glance around for a second and brace myself. I do a little jump with the chair, trying to gain momentum and scoot it slightly. If I don’t do this right, I’m just going to end up on the floor tied up in an excruciating and compromising position. I can’t let them know what I’m up to, or that I know how to get out. Well, not technically, as I don’t know where I am. Except for these bindings? This I can do.

Scooting the chair again, I lift it slightly and slam it down, throwing myself to the side while holding my breath. My arm and shoulder take the brunt of the fall, but at least my head doesn’t land too hard on the concrete. It still hurts like a bitch though. There’s scrapes on my arms that burn now, but I ignore them as I notice the chair is broken. I roll around, scoot up, and move in general to get loose. After what feels like forever, I finally achieve it.

I take a deep breath and contort my body to where I can reach a knife Camilla left for me in the corner of the room. She’s a smart little one, leaving it far enough away from me to not make it look suspicious, but still close enough that I know it’s there. Either way, zip-tied hands or not, I would find a way to get out of here. Thankfully, she made it far easier.

I cut the zip-ties off with effort, fuck these damn things, then straighten up again. There’s a sharp piece of wood that I grab from the broken chair in one hand and the knife in the other. I hide behind the door and stay still, hoping that only one person shows up. I don’t know how long I stand here, but I brace myself when the door finally opens. Heavy footsteps shuffle into the room and suddenly stop, then close the door. They haven’t noticed me, looking around the room as if I’ll magically appear next to the broken chair. I lift my arm and drive the splintered wood into one of the men’s carotid arteries. Blood spurts out of his neck in waves, getting on me and the floor. He falls to the ground with a thud.

The second man looks at me, stunned, then quickly draws his gun and points it at me. I smile, walking toward him. I’m not scared. At the end of the day, if I die, I was already going to anyway. He pins me to the wall and presses the barrel of his gun to my forehead and I close my eyes.


I could stab him, but that’s no fun; I already did that to the other guy. Instead, I open my eyes once more and punch him in the throat. He doesn’t see it coming. He doubles down and coughs, dropping his gun to the ground. I dive for it and grab it, scooting back on my ass. He looks at me with a hand to the throat and his face contorts. I don’t think about it. I just shoot.

And I feelnothing.

I grab the keys from his pocket and open the door, then look right and left to make sure no one is coming. Surprisingly, the warehouse-looking building is empty. There’s not one fucking soul here except for one guard. How naive is that? How stupid. I now genuinely regret not trying to get out before. It’s been too easy.

There are car keys by the front door, I’m assuming one of the guards’, and I grab them. A little table that also sits by the front door has a knife right on it, and I grab it too. Opening the door, I peer around before I exit the building. I notice only two cars are in the parking lot, and it’s nighttime. I’ll either make it to the safety of the car, or there will be someone else hiding around this building, and I’ll be fucked. I’m taking my chances, though.

I exit the building and plaster myself to the front door after closing it, taking deep breaths. My body is shaking, my hands sweating as I consider where I’m going to go after I get out of here. I look around at the nearby buildings and actually recognize them. Perfect.

With trembling hands, I unlock one of the cars, sprint to it, get inside, and shut the door as quietly as possible. After turning the key in the ignition, I reverse out of the dirt road.
