Page 111 of Bloody Tainted Lies

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Finally, leaving him behind.

It’s been two weeks since I came back home with Nik.

Two weeks filled with the most blissful love I’ve ever experienced. I don’t ever want this little bubble to pop, even though it always feels like it will. I’m kind of waiting for the other shoe to drop, not between us, but when it comes to my father. How long will he let this go on? Will he keep his end of the bargain? Or will he betray us and steal me away once more? Kill Nik?

As if he can see all the questions running through my head, Nik touches my furrowed brow and frowns. “What’s wrong, princess?”

“It’s too good to be true.” I sigh, burrowing closer to him until we’re nose to nose, the silk blankets caressing my skin with the movement. “This.Us.”

“No.” He smiles. “It’s real. What we have is real.”

I grin at that, because yes, it is. “Can we stay in bed all day?” It’s gloomy outside, with barely any light coming in through the windows. The perfect weather to watch movies in bed, stay in pajamas all day and basically eat nachos until I feel sick. That’s what I want. Or broccoli cheese soup. Anything that involves pajamas, really, and not leaving bed.

“Not today, Camilla.” He returns my grin and butterflies invade my stomach. “I have something to show you.”

“What is it?”

“A surprise.” He gets up from the bed, his naked ass flexing when he walks to the drawers to get some underwear, his tattoos rippling with the movement of his muscles. “Something I did when I was figuring everything out.”

The businesses, cutting himself off from his father, making his new family name, becoming Pakhan and having a new family crest. Fuck, that is a lot.

“You know I love surprises.” I roll my eyes at him, “But I love it even more when you accidentally spoil them. So spill it, baby.”

He laughs, “I have to take you there.”

“Fine,” I huff, getting up from the bed to get dressed. “But this better be good if I’m getting out of bed today.”

An hour later, I’m sitting in his black McLaren with a blindfold over my eyes. I feel silly, but he insisted and wouldn’t budge until I relented. The lengths I go to in order to appease this man is astounding. The rumble from the car is soothing and I lean back further against the chair, trying to relax my limbs. I don’t know why I’m so anxious. I don’t love surprises, but I also don’t hate them. I guess everything just feels so perfect that I don’t want it to be ruined. What could he possibly give me that I don’t already have? All I need is him.

Suddenly, the car comes to a stop and my breath hitches in my lungs. I want to take off this stupid blindfold, but he swats my hand away before I even realize what I’m doing.

“No, princess.” He chuckles, the sound zipping right through my body. It’s deep and masculine, andhim. “Not yet.”

The sound of his door opening puts me on edge, and he comes around and opens my door. I let out a little gasp when he tugs my hand to pull me out of the car, and he steadies me when my feet land on the pavement.

“What is this, Nik?” I ask him, trying my hardest to see through the blindfold. It’s fruitless since the fabric is thick. I guess he knew what he was doing with this one. “I need to know. A clue or something would be nice.”

“Why have a clue when you can get the whole thing?”

His breath comes to my neck and he kisses it softly, then grabs the blindfold and takes it off. It takes a moment for my eyes to adjust to the light, but once I do, I notice two things: we’re in a rocky driveway, and there’s a beautiful house in front of me. I look around, but there are no other homes around; it’s just us and some land with the beach in the background.


Nikolai grabs me by my shoulders and pulls me back against his chest. I let my head fall back against it, waiting for his answer. “Welcome home, princess.”

I gasp, my muscles stiffening under his hold. Home? “What?”

“This is your surprise.” He turns me around until we’re facing each other and smiles at me.

“A house?”

“Ourhouse. We can still keep the apartment if you’d like, but this is less than half a mile down with the same access to our beach. This is what you deserve, Camilla, a home where you can have your studio again to practice your ballet. Somewhere you can put your books and paint. Somewhere we can love each other and make memories.”

“Baby,” I breathe, emotion building in my chest. My eyes water and a traitorous tear escapes me. Except this time, it’s because I’m happy. I haven’t had happy tears in a very long time. “I love it so much.”

“You haven’t even seen it yet.” He chuckles. “But I did get it with you in mind. I thought you’d like our own little beach house. Nothing too big since it’s just the two of us.”

The house has white wood siding and a metal tin roof. Two columns adorn the entrance, holding up the second story. There are plants everywhere on the porch, flowers, and others I don’t recognize but appear tropical. It’s freaking beautiful. Different colored pavers lead to the front door, then the floors become concrete.
