Page 20 of Bloody Tainted Lies

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“Liar.” I laugh, “Although I’ll do it for the kiss.” I wink back.

His face heats up, a blush creeping to his cheeks. It’s actually adorable. I never thought I’d see him blush. “If you want it to be closer to a kiss, I got you.”

“No thanks,” I lie, prying the bottle from his hand and taking a swig.

The liquor tastes disgusting, burning my tongue and throat on the way down. My insides turn warm as if I’m sunburned from the inside out. I never want to do that again. God, that’s nasty. I begin to cough violently as the last of the swig goes to my throat, and it begins to come out of my nose in spurts.

Nik starts laughing uncontrollably, falling back on the ground and clutching his belly. “That was cute, Camilla.”

“That was…disgusting.”

“It’s because you have to do a small amount, silly,” he says in aduhtone. “Here, I’ll show you.”

“You can keep this damn bottle,” I reply with an attitude like the Vodka wounded me.

Nikolai sits up and takes the bottle back, taking a small sip. “I didn’t say anything about the bottle. Now come here.”

I scoot closer until we’re sitting right next to each other, our legs brushing. I ignore the flutters in my stomach and look at him. Silver eyes fix on mine, the pupils widening and shrinking rapidly. There’s a black freckle in his right eye that I can’t stop looking at, and sometimes, like right now, his eyes turn darker when he looks at me. Like a stormy day. Dark gray.

“I will take a small sip and put it in your mouth.”

“Huh? Like a kiss?” I ask, outraged.

“It doesn’t count as a kiss if I’m not touching you.” He wags his eyebrows and my face heats up. What does count as a kiss anyway? Surely not putting liquor in someone else’s mouth.

So I shrug. “Okay.”

Nik leans in and presses his lips to mine and I close my eyes. The butterflies in my belly rage as I open my mouth and he opens his. Then, when his tongue slips into my mouth slightly, shoving liquor between my lips, I tighten my legs.

He pulls away immediately.

It wasn’t a lot of Vodka, and it actually goes down smoothly. My head spins a little, and I almost want him to do it again, but instead, I grab the bottle and take a small sip. And another. And another.

“See?” He grins, white teeth on display. “That wasn’t so bad, yeah?”

“I could get used to this.” I smile, feeling more than a little dizzy already. “But I think I’m drunk.”

“Such a lightweight,” he jokes. “Let’s play our game.”


“Question one hundred and twenty-one.” I laugh when he puts his forefinger on his chin and taps it. “What was wrong with you earlier? And don’t say nothing. The rules are the rules, and I don’t make them.”

I clear my throat once in a nervous gesture, which he already knows is one, and he narrows his eyes. He probably knows what direction this is going, and he already hates Leo from everything I’ve said. “I’m just sad. It sucks seeing Leo…flirting with other girls.”

“That’s not new, Milla.”

“But I still have to see him, Nik!” I argue. “I broke up with him today.” My voice cracks and his eyes widen. “I can’t be his best friend anymore.”

“One would argue that you’ve already had a different best friend. Isn’t that cheating?”

“Best friend cheating?” I frown.

“Yeah.” He nods.

“I mean, I guess you are my best friend.”

“You don’t need him, princess,” he starts.
